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बीए सेमेस्टर-4 गृह विज्ञान - सरल प्रश्नोत्तर
.बी.ए. (IV सेमेस्टर)
गृह विज्ञान
आवास एवं प्रसार शिक्षा
B.A. (IV Semester)
Housing & Extension Education (Theory)
Unit - I
Housing Needs of a House, Difference between House & Home, way to acquire house (Own & rented). Factors influencing selection and purchase of house and site for house building.
House Planning - Principles of house planning, Planning different residential spaces in a house. Planning house for different income groups: :
Unit - III
Interior Designing Introduction to Interior designing. Importance of good taste. Objective of Interior decoration. Elements of design-Line, Shape, texture, Color, Pattern, Light & Space. Principle of design - Proportion, Balance, Rhythm, Emphasis, Harmony.
Unit - IV
Home Decors Furniture, Furnishings (Curtain, Draperies, Floor coverings, Wall celing, Lighting, Accessories (Wall painting, Mirrors, wall art, Sculpture & Antiques, Flower arrangements) etc.
Unit - V
Extension Education Meaning, Concepts, Objectives, Scope, Principles, Philosophy of Extension Education. Early Extension Efforts in India. Formal & Non-formal Education.
Unit - VI
Extension Teaching & Learning - Role and Qualities of an Extension worker. Steps in Extension Teaching Process, Criteria for Effective Teaching & Learning.
Unit VII
Communication & Extension Teaching Methods Definition, Importance, Characteristics, Elements, Models & Challenges in communications.
Relationship between Communication, Extension & Development.
Extension Teaching Methods - Classification, Factors guiding the Selection & use of Extension teaching methods.
Unit -VIII
Audio Visual Aids - Definition, Importance, Classification, Selection, Preparation & Effective use of Audio-visual Aids.