बी ए - एम ए >> एम ए सेमेस्टर-1 - अंग्रेजी - चतुर्थ प्रश्नपत्र - इण्डियन इंगलिश लिटरेचर एम ए सेमेस्टर-1 - अंग्रेजी - चतुर्थ प्रश्नपत्र - इण्डियन इंगलिश लिटरेचरसरल प्रश्नोत्तर समूह
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एम ए सेमेस्टर-1 - अंग्रेजी - चतुर्थ प्रश्नपत्र - इण्डियन इंगलिश लिटरेचर
Chapter - 7
"Love Poem for a Wife"
- A.K. Ramanujan
Question- Write a critical appreciation of 'Love Poem for a Wife' by A. K. Ramanujan.
Answer -
A. K. Ramanujan's famous poem entitled 'Love Poem For A Wife' appeared in his second anthology, 'Relations; Poems'. It is an autobiographical and confessional poem like most of the poems of A.K. Ramanujan. The Poem concludes with the problematic uncertainity with which it begins, implying that the speaker's desire to enter another life is brought with disillusionment. The ironic twist at the end of the poem confirms the stasis underlying the relationship as also the persisting acrimony and jealousy that have been responsible for the speaker's own emotional aridity. The element of dramatic surprise latent in self involuntary betrayal of its real feeling is a prominent feature of the poem.
The poet living in U.S.A seeks emotional fulfillment in this poem. Family is the central metaphor in this poem. He stages a powerful psychic drama through a 'You' and 'T' drama. There is crisscross of memories which adequately conveys the intensity of the poet's yearning for emotional fulfillment in family relationship. The family figures and relationship become the sign and symbols for the expressions of the poet's emotions.
This poem is an account of the speaker's married life and the reasons who have led to the failure of his marriage particularly the worsening of the conjugal situation with the passing of the years. The poet broods over the emotional alienation with his wife, with whom he was married long ago. So, he could not find emotional fulfillment with his wife, which gives him pain: According to the poet, the main cause of his alienation is that they could not share experiences since childhood onward. The early years of life are the formative years. Husband and wife can not emotionally understand each other, unless they live together onward.
The poem presents thought. The poet tells his wife that the reason for the disharmony, which has been a feature of their married life, is that they had not been familiar with each other as children and had therefore not, shared each other's experiences as children. The disharmony had deepend towards the end of their years for the same reason. The speaker's father has been dead for the past several years and, so far as the wife's father is concerned, the old man is no longer irritable but has softened in his temper. The speaker's meeting her father would therefore serve no purpose now. They had no knowledge of each other's family background and the nature of parents when the cousins of the speaker and his wife happened to meet, they sat down to gossip, while sipping brandy and chewing cashew nuts. At these meetings, the wife would suddenly become curious to know the details of her husband's past life, while the husband envied his wife for her village dog-ride and for having seven crazy aunts. He was sorry as he could not share these thrilling experiences with her. She wanted to know how the poet looked in childhood from the family album and from the unecdotes told to her by the members at his family. She formed the impression that the poet could achieve anything unique in life due to fate or God's providence; otherwise he was a born fool, not capable at doing anything great or unique. The knowledge of his wife's affair with a muslim boy made the poet jealous and unhappy.
The poet then comes to the present and remembers how she and her brother James started a drag out fight regarding the location of a bathroom in their grandfather's house in Alleppey. In this discussion he and his sister-in- law were ignored. The poet then goes on to say that sharing of childhood experience is essential for achieving emotional integration in marital life. He ironically suggests two alternatives. First, people may follow the example of Queen Cleopatra of Egypt, who married her own brother and thus they shared each other's childhood experience. It was a common social practice in ancient Egypt. Secondly they may follow the custom of child marriage.
The poem presents poet's pinning for two alternatives. The poet says that his wife and he could have had a successful marriage if he had married his own sister because then he could have shared his childhood with her, while his marriage to his present wife had failed because he had not shared his childhood experiences with her. In this respect, the ancient Egyptians were ,wise because the ancient Egyptians were heir to the throne were under traditional obligation to marry their sisters. Another way in which the speaker's marriage could have proved a success was that his mother had, during her pregnancy, given a promise to some other pregnant woman that, in case, she gave birth to a son and the other woman gave birth to a daughter, the boy and girl would in due course be married to each other because in that way also the newly born boy and girl would have been to share their childhood experience by being brought up by their mothers in close proximity to each other.
The poem shows Ramanujan's gifts of humour, wit and irony. The title itself is ironical because it is not a love poem which Ramanujan has written. The poem exposes the deficiencies, shortcomings and faults of the woman whom he has married. The speaker does not praise himself by any means. He speaks about himself also in a disparaging tone, but his irony and wit are directed chiefly against his wife and against his wife's father. The speaker ridicules his wife for her talking a lot about her seven crazy aunts who probably did not exist at all. He ridicules her for having had dates with a muslim boy and for coming home late at night and telling her father that there was nothing at all. Between them. Further he ridicules her for getting into a meaning less discussion with her brother James as to where precisely the bathroom was situated in her grandfather's house in Alleppey. He also ridicules her for having affered her family heirlooms and her husband's earnings to James if she lost the bet.
The poem presents the subject at Mockery, poet's wife's father. The poet's wife's father is also a subject laughing. Thus father used to wait for his daughter used to spend her evenings and nights with her boy-friends particularly with muslim boy. Her father used to walk in the balcony to and fro under tension while waiting his daughter. He used to smoke many cigars to lessen the burden of tension. But now he say that there was no wickedness in remembering one's past misdeeds.
The speaker ridicules himself for the silly sheepish look which appeared on his face when he showed his wife the picture of his father and mother on their wedding day. His father wore a turban and his mother wore silver rings on her toes. He also ridicules himself by saying that some time ago he had become a unique person and that this fact had been recorded by his late father in his diary. He speaks about his father's noisy bathing in the course of which the father used to rub the soap on his back with a lot of zest and vigour. He also ridicules his father for the way in which he maintaind a smilesian diary.
The speaker presents two witty turns in order to justify his arguments. He points out two customs. At first he refers the custom founded by the ancient Egyptians. According to their custom the heir to the throne should marry his own sister because the marriage was then sure to prove successful because the prince and his sister would be able to share their childhood experiences. Secondly, he refers Hindu custom in which some Hindu mothers betrothed their sons and daughters even before they were born.
The nostalgia of the speaker in the poem for his wife's unshared childhood springs from his need to overcome the alienation which keeps them apart at the end of years. But the crisscross of memories, the enactment of the drama of another's past in one's own consciousness only serves to accentuate the narrow limits in which the relationship appears to survive with its explosive insecurities and tensions.
The intended development of the theme is artfully thwarted by the speaker when, in the course of his attempt to guess the causes of his emotional separation from his wife, he mentions her quarrels with him about family matters and involving relatives on both sides. His family album; her uncestral home; his father, her father; his brother, his sister-in-law, his sheep mouth look while showing her the picture at his parents on their wedding day her love affair with a muslim boy etc.
This is personal, autobiographical, and partially nostalgic poem. In it, the speaker attributes the increasing unhappiness of his married life with his wife to their unshared childhood. There is a bit of nostalgia in the lines in which the poet says that his wife can not meet his father who has been dead for some years and that he can not meet her father who has lately lost ill- temper and mellowed. He then recalls the occasions when his wife used suddenly to grow nostalgic for his past, and he used to envy her village dog- ride and the mythology of her seven crazy aunts. Towards the end of the poem he, somewhat wistfully, says that Egyptians did the right thing by making it obligatory for the heirs to the throne to marry their sisters, adding that the Hindu custom of betrothing boys and girls even before they are born is not a bad one.
Ramanujan has received much praise for his craftsmanship and rightly so. He is certainly one of the greatest masters of the English language among the Indo-Anglian poets. He ranbs very high among the Indo-Anglian poets for his use of the English language to express herself. He has shown a rare originality in the use of words and he has shown an extraordinary talent for phrase-making. In this poem we have the following phrases which impress US greatly the wife's father has gone irrevocable in age; the wife and her brother start one of your old drag-out fights and sister-in-law and I were blank cut- outs fitted to our respective stors in a poet room.'
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- Question- Define the term 'Indian English Literature'?
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- Question- What is experimental Poetry?
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- Question- Write the influence of Postmoderanism on English Literature?
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- Question- Write about Renaissance in India and the nature of India culture as explicated by Sri Aurobindo.
- Question- Who is Sri Aurobindo? Give an introduction of him.
- Question- What are the ideas on Indian culture of Aurobindo, given in his essay 'Indian culture and external influence'?
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- Question- Write an introduction of 'An Idealist View of Life' by Radhakrishnan.
- Question- How does an idealist view life?
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- Question- Write the background of the book 'A passage to England' by C. Chaudhari.
- Question- Write a summary of 'A Passage to England' with giving an introduction of book. and describe 'The English Scene'.
- Question- What is the purpose of Chaudhari to write 'A Passage to England?
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- Question- Write a short note on Young Bengal Movement.
- Question- Provide a brief background of the poem 'The Harp of India'.
- Question- What do you know about part 1 of the poem?
- Question- What do you know about part 2 of the poem?
- Question- What impact has the prevailing conditions of the times made on India in the poem 'The Harp of India'?
- Question- Expalin with reference to the context any two of the following passeges.
- Question- Write a critical appreciation of 'Love Poem for a Wife' by A. K. Ramanujan.
- Question- In which style 'Love poem for a wife' is written? Explain.
- Question- Expalin with reference to the context any two of the following passeges.
- Question- Who is R. Parthasarathy? Write about his life and career.
- Question- What is the summary of the poem 'Exile from Homecoming"?
- Question- Write a Critical appreciation of the poem 'Exile From Homecoming'.
- Question- What has happened to poetry and why?
- Question- Why does the speaker recommend newspapers?
- Question- What is the introduction of 'Exile From Homecoming'?
- Question- Expalin with reference to the context any two of the following passeges.
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- Question- What is the critical appreciation of "The Palanquin Bearers'?
- Question- Write life and works of Sarojini Naidu.
- Question- What is the message in Palanquin Bearers by Sarojini Naidu?
- Question- What is the mood, tone and setting of the palanquin Bearers?
- Question- What is the Summary of the poem The Palanquin Bearers'?
- Question- Expalin with reference to the context following passege.
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- Question- Write a note on Shiv K. Kumar as a poet.
- Question- Write a critical appreciation of the poem, 'Pilgrimage'.
- Question- Expalin with reference to the context following passege.
- Question- What do you know about Dom Moraes?
- Question- What is the summary of the poem "Bells for William Wordsworth".
- Question- Expalin with reference to the context following passege.
- Question- What is the summary of the poem Tribute to Papa' by Mamta Kalia?
- Question- Mamta Kalia's poem Tribut to Papa' is quest for an identy. Write about it?
- Question- Expalin with reference to the context following passege.
- Question- Explain how myth and symbolism are integral parts of Raja Rao's fictional act in Kanthapura.
- Question- What are the main features of Raja Rao's narrative technique in Kanthapura?
- Question- The three levels of action in Kanthapura-political, social and religious are all related to a unified concept of India. Discuss the structure of the novel in the light of the statement.
- Question- Provide a summary of the novel 'Kanthapura'.
- Question- What are the important themes one can find in Kanthapura?
- Question- Place Raja Rao in the context of the evolution of the Indian writing in English.
- Question- What do you know about the historical and political background of Kanthapura?
- Question- How deep and wide is the impact of Gandhi's personality and his thought on the theme of Kanthapura?
- Question- What do you know about Kanthapura and its people?
- Question- What is the significance of the Skeffington Coffee Estate in the overall account of the village in Kanthapura?
- Question- What are those qualities that go into the making of Moorthy, the central figure in Kanthapura?
- Question- What do you think of the women characters in Kanthapura? What is their role in the action of the novel?
- Question- How successful is Moorthy in leading his followers in the Satyagraha movement of the village?
- Question- Write a short essay on 'Considerations of Caste' in Kanthapura.
- Question- How successful is Achakka, the narrator in her attempt to tell the story of her village in the context of the Satyagraha movement?
- Question- Comment on some of the male character - other than Moorthy in Kanthapura.
- Question- What are some important themes in the novel 'The Guide'?
- Question- Provide a detailed character sketch of Raju (The Guide).
- Question- Can The Guide' be called a picaresque novel?
- Question- Comment on the narrative technique in "The Guide'.
- Question- Unravel the various aspects of Rosie's character in the light of the novel.
- Question- Sum up the literary elements found in the novel.
- Question- How is the concept of universality explored in the novel?
- Question- Write a short note on R.K. Narayan.
- Question- What do you know about Raju from 'The Guide'?
- Question- Give a brief character sketch of Rosie.
- Question- What importance does the town 'Malgudi' carry in most of the novel of R.K. Narayan?
- Question- Give a brief character sketch of Marco.
- Question- Write a brief character sketch of Velan.
- Question- How is title of the novel 'The Guide' appropriate?
- Question- Critically analyze the novel The Guide.'
- Question- Is Raju a transformed man by the end of the novel?
- Question- Is Velan a mere fool or a major accessory to Raju's transformation?
- Question- What roles do dharma and Karma play in the text?
- Question- What are the some important metaphors we come across after reading in the novel?
- Question- Write about the whole life of Shashi Deshpande with works.
- Question- Shashi Deshpande's craft as a novelist a study with special reference to 'That long Silence'
- Question- What is theme of the novel 'That Long Silence'?
- Question- Describe Jaya's Quest for self in "That Long Silence' by Shashi Deshpande.
- Question- What do you mean by the title of the novel 'That Long Silence'?
- Question- What is the introduction of Shashi Deshpande?
- Question- What is 'That Long Silence' about?
- Question- What is the relationship between Jaya and Mohan in the "That Long Silence'?
- Question- Who always reminds Jaya That husband is like sheltering tree?
- Question- Who is Kamat in the novel 'That Long Silence'?
- Question- What is the Indroduction of Firdaus Kanga's 'Trying to Grow'?
- Question- Analysis of Trying to Grow' by Firdaus Kanga.
- Question- Describe of Parsi Community in "Trying to Grow' by Firdaus Kanga?
- Question- Who is Firdaus Kanga?
- Question- What is the major achievement of 'Firdaus Kanga'?
- Question- Write about the sixth Happiness, BFI/BBC Film in 'Trying to Grow' by Firdaus Kanga.
- Question- Write life and works of Arundhati Roy.
- Question- How has Arundhati Roy projected the illicit or incestuous relations in 'The God of Small Things'?
- Question- Evaluate The God of Small Things' as a tale of confrontation as its theme.
- Question- Give a brief character sketch of Estha and Rahel.
- Question- Why did the relationship of Ammu and Velutha came to an abrup end?
- Question- Relate the atrocities faced by Ammu all her life and her insignificant end?
- Question- Describe the Roy's use of symbols and images in her novel.
- Question- Write the life and works of Ilavenil Meena Kandasamy.
- Question- What is the introduction of the novel 'When I Hit You?
- Question- Describe the portrayal of domestic violence in 'When I Hit You?
- Question- Write about The Feminism in 'When I Hit You?
- Question- What is the summary of the story "Two Lady Rams"?
- Question- Write a note on Indian-ness in "Two Lady Rams' by Mulk Raj Anand.
- Question- What is the significance of the Title 'Two Lady Rams'?
- Question- Who was the first wife of Lalla Jhinda Ram?
- Question- Who is Lalla Jhinda Ram?
- Question- Analyse the story "Two Lady Rams'.
- Question- Write about the life of Salman Rushdie.
- Question- Write about the carrer of Salman Rushdie.
- Question- Write the summary of the story "Free Radio" by Salman Rushdie.
- Question- Who was the narrator in the short story "The Free Radio'?
- Question- Justify the title of the story "The Free Radio'.
- Question- Who is Ramani and what is the role of Ramani in this story "The Free Radio'?
- Question- What is the introduction of the story 'The Free Radio'?
- Question- Why is the narrator so much concerned for Ramani?
- Question- What does the Free Radio Symbolize in the story free radio'?
- Question- Write about the sexism in the story 'The Free Radio'?
- Question- Write a summary of the story 'The Intrusion'.
- Question- Analyse the story "The Intrusion' as a quest for identity
- Question- Write about the human predicament and emotional suffocation in Shashi Deshpande's short story "The Intrusion'.
- Question- Write the justification of the title "The Intrusion.'
- Question- What does the wife want in the story "The Intrusion'?
- Question- Who is the intruder in the story 'The Intrusion'?
- Question- What is the summary of the story 'Diamond Dust' by Anita Desai?
- Question- Write about the themes of 'Diamond Dust' by Anita Desai.
- Question- Who is Mr. Das in the Story 'Diamond Dust'?
- Question- What is the role of Mrs Sheila Das in 'Diamond Dust?
- Question- Who is Diamond in the story 'Diamond Dust'?
- Question- Attempt a critical appreciation of Vijay Tendulkar's play, Silence! The Court is in Session.
- Question- Attempt an essay on Tendulkar's delineation of women in his play, silence! The court is in Session.
- Question- Discuss Tendulkar's humour satire and irony in 'Silence! The Court is in Session.'
- Question- Justify the title of Vijay Tendulkar's play, Silence! The Court is in Session.
- Question- Write a short note on the role of Sukhatme in the mock-trial in Tendulkar's play, Silence! The Court is in Session.
- Question- Wite the character sketch's of Mr. Kashikar.
- Question- Give a short account of Miss Benare as a teacher.
- Question- What verdict does Kashikar give in Benare's case?
- Question- Write a short note on Balu Rokde.
- Question- Bring out the significance of prof. Damle in Silence! The Court is in Session.
- Question- How does Tendulkar's play, Silence ! reveal society's partiality towards woman?
- Question- Life and work of Grish Karnad.
- Question- What is the introduction of 'The Fire and the Rain'?
- Question- Discuss the central themes of Girish Karnad's play, 'The Fire and the Rains'.
- Question- Write a character sketch of Yavakri.
- Question- Write a critical note on Paravasu-Vishakha relationship.
- Question- Write a character sketch Raibhya.
- Question- Comment on the significance of the role of the Actor Manager in "The Fire and the Rain'.
- Question- Wha is the theme of 'The Fire and The Rain'?
- Question- Who is Raibhya in "The Fire and The Rain'?
- Question- Who is Andhaka in the 'The Fire and The Rain'?
- Question- Who is Arvasu?
- Question- Write a note on the life and works of Manjula Padmanabhan.
- Question- Write the summary of 'Harvest' by Manjula Padamanabhan.
- Question- Write a note on Themes and Techniques in Manjula Padmanabhan's plays.
- Question- Who is the man character of the play 'Harvest'?
- Question- Who is Jaya in the story 'Harvest'?
- Question- How does Ginni control Om and his family?
- Question- Who is Ginni in the play 'Harvest'?
- Question- Discuss the theme of exploitation in the play 'Harvest'.