बी ए - एम ए >> एम ए सेमेस्टर-1 - अंग्रेजी - चतुर्थ प्रश्नपत्र - इण्डियन इंगलिश लिटरेचर एम ए सेमेस्टर-1 - अंग्रेजी - चतुर्थ प्रश्नपत्र - इण्डियन इंगलिश लिटरेचरसरल प्रश्नोत्तर समूह
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एम ए सेमेस्टर-1 - अंग्रेजी - चतुर्थ प्रश्नपत्र - इण्डियन इंगलिश लिटरेचर
Unit VI : Drama
Chapter - 23
Silence! The Court is in Session
- Vijay Tendulkar
Question- Attempt a critical appreciation of Vijay Tendulkar's play, Silence! The Court is in Session.
Attempt a critical assesment of Vijay Tendulkar as a dramatist as seen through his play, Silence! The Court is in Session.
Answer -
Background of the Play Based on real incident Vijay Tendulkar's shantata: Court chalu the (1967) is a well-known Marathi play. Priya Adarkar translated it as Silence! The court is in Session (1978). As is usual with him, the experience of the play originates not from a concept but a real incident. In this particular case, the motivation came from an amateur group of players on its way to stage a mock trial in vile parle, the suburb where Tendulkar lives. The bits of conversation he heard as he guided the members to their destination provided the ground work for the play. Tendulkar wrote this play for Rangayan at the behest of his friends. Arvind and Sulabha Deshpande.
But in another sense, as pointed out by Priya Adarkar the play appears uncharacteristics of Tendulkar. In his earlier works he had dwelt on the distress of the middle class with a degree of sympathy, bordering on sentiment, with Shantata come parting of ways. The change is difficult to explain. The change was possibly the result of a deep personal experience. For, on the one hand, it unleashed characters (Benare, Sakharam, Ghoshiram) in a state of collision with accepted norms and on the other hand, it revealed ineffectual middle class types with an ugly, brutal sneer lurking under the surface.
The Dramatic edge of the play: The madras player at the Museum Theatre first present silence: The court is in session in English. Ammu Mathew directed it. The play is conceived as a game and the idea that all that is happening on the stage is part mock and part earnest gives the play its 'theatrical' edge. The mock-element pervades through and through. What we are witnessing is a mere enactment of what is rehearsal of sorts of nothing more than a mock trial to be staged later in the day. The game sequence lifts the performance somewhat since it affers so much scope for unconstrained. Physical movement, for fun. Even so, it is, for the most part, little more than an inset. But in Shantata the play and its structure revolve wholly round the idea of a game and include the essential ingredient of 'reversal' Benae, who is on the offensive in the beginning, finds herself trapped at the close of the play. The harmless door- latch, which hurts her finger and draws her blood (as she enters the place with Samant) later shuts the group in and in fact, takes on the dimension of a blockade. The claustrophobic atmosphere inside becomes the kind of setting where social marks are stripped off.
Character's real identities: When the members of troupe enter the room, we half anticipate banter and cordiality, as among friends. There is banters no doubt, but alongside runs a strong streak of pettiness. Perhaps for them theatre activity has reduced itself to an escape from personal failures : Benare expose that sukhatme, in real life, is a lawyer without a brief; here he will be seen exploding to parade his knowledge of the legal process. Sukhatme for his part, riles at karnik's so called grasp of 'intimate' theatre. Supported by Balu Rokde, he has a dig at the unfortunate Ponkshe who has, actually failed his Inter Science Exams but professes during the trail to be a scientific genius. Ponkshe, in turn, mocks at Rokde for his slavish dependence on the Kashikars. And the group units of ridicule the absurd gestures of mutual devotion made by the couple and also their childlessness. The whole lot of them fries to crucify Benare but at least in the first half of the play, she is able to out smart them. The name of Prof. Damle, who does not turn up, hovers in the air, giving rise to some inexplicable uneasiness.
Tendulkar levelled as angry young man : With the production of Shantata in 1967, Tendulkar became the eye of a storm. He had already earned the name 'the angry young man of Marathi Theatre'. But now he was definitely marked out as a rebel against the established values of fundamentally orthodox society. The theatre group in Shantata (silence) that comes to perform at a Suburban village of Bombay is a miniature cross-section of middle class society The members are representative of its different sub strata. Their characters, dialogues. Gestures and even mannerisms reflect their petty. Marginal existences filled with disappointment and inhibited desires that find expression in their malicious and spiteful attitudes towards their fellow beings. Leela Benare, the central Character of the play, is the only exception.
Miss Benare's Private life exposed: As Benare possesses a natural lust for life and a spontaneous vitality, she ignores social norms and dicates. Being different form the others, she is easly is dated and made the victim of a cruel game, cunningly maneuvered by her fellow actors. During the so-alled 'game' which is meaningful garbed in the form of a mock- trial, Miss Benare's private life is exposed and publicly dissected, exposing her illicit love affair with professor Damle, a married man with a family resling in her pregnancy. Professor Damle is significantly absent at the trial it denotes his total disowning of responsibility, either social or moral, for the whole situation into. which he was driven Miss Benare. During the trial, he is summoned merely as a witness while Benare remains the prime accused as the unwed mother of his illegitimate child. Strangely enough the accusation of infranticide brought against her at the begnning of the trial turns into verdict at the end. Mainly because contemporary insular Indian society cannot allow the birth of a child out of wedlock. This very reversal of the 'authorities' exposes the basic hypocrisy and double standards on which our society is established.
Depiction of Psychological violence. The violence that we would notice in Tendulkar's later plays (like Gidhade, Sabharam and Gharshiram) already rais's its hood in this play. In the persecution of Miss Benare, The helpless woman, a fierce psychological violence become abvious. The latent sadism of the characters of sukhatme of Mr. and Mrs. Kashikar, of Ponkshe. Karnik or even, Rokde comes to the fore during the process of the trial. In depicting these characters, Tendulkar has explored their psyche to the extent of revealing the hidden sense of failure pervading their lives namely the inefficiency of Sukhatme as a lawyer, the childlessness of the Kashikar couple, the non-fulfillment of Ponkshe's dreams to become a scientist, the vain attempts of Karnik to be a successful actor and the spinelessness of Rokde to attain an independent, adult existance. The figure of the simple hearted villager, samant, is adeptly Randled by Tendulkar to offset the complexities of the urbane characters.
Benare's Soliloquy is like Nora's declaration Leela Benare's defence of herself against the attack of the guardians of social norms in a long soliloquy has become famous in the history of contemparary Marathi theatre. Benare's monologue in this play is reminiscent of Nora's declaration of Independence is Ibsen's play: A Doll's House. But it looks the note of protest that characterizes the speech of Ibsen's heroine. It is more of a self- justification than an attack on society's hyprorisises. It is poignant sensitive and highlights the susceptibility of women in our society.
A Three-Act play: Tendulkar's Silence: "The court is in Session' is a play which consists of three acts. It has elaborate stage direction which enables the action of the play very lively. The group of actors is very small consisting of a few witnesses, a judge, his wife, an advocate who plays a dual role as the counsel for the defence and the crown a servant and the accused herself. The language of the play is very supple and the style very impressive. But for a few soliloquies, dialogues are very engaging and pointed enough to suit the atmosphere of the play. There is plenty of humour, banter, jibes and counter jibes, satire and irony. The mock trial of Benare which is carried through a light hearted atmosphere in the beginning slowly becomes surcharged with cynicism, pettiness and sadism by exposing the private life of the accused and pinning her down in the name of social justice and moral code. She is first accused of infanticide by the court but the very same court sentences her to destroy the child in her womb as she was unwed begot it out of illicit love. Thus the play exposes the social hypocrisy and its dubious double standards. Which offer no. protection to women. While Benare is punished for bearing and illegitimate child out of wedlock. Prof. Damle, a married man with family who is responsible for Benare becoming pregnant is left untouched: The play is well structured and the acts leads us from one to the other naturally. There is sudden shift in mood and tempo and like Benare we are also suddenly taken unawares. The play, no doubt, is a feather to the cap of Tendulkar.
- Question- Write about Post-Colonial Indian writings in English Literature?
- Question- What is Postmordanism in English Literature?
- Question- Write an essay Postmoderism's influence of Indian writing in High Ab Han English Literature?
- Question- What is Dalit Literature?
- Question- Write about Dalit's voice: A voice from the Margin?
- Question- Write the development of Indian English Poetry, since the 1980s.
- Question- What is experimental Theatre?
- Question- What is Indians in Indian "English Literature”?
- Question- Define the term 'Indian English Literature'?
- Question- What is contemporary poetry in English Literature?
- Question- What is India drama in English Literature?
- Question- What is experimental Poetry?
- Question- Write about the origin of structuralism and Post-structuralism.
- Question- Write the theory of Post-modernism.
- Question- What do understand by the post-colonialism?
- Question- Write the influence of Postmoderanism on English Literature?
- Question- Write about the Renaissance in India and other essays on Indian culture.
- Question- Write about Renaissance in India and the nature of India culture as explicated by Sri Aurobindo.
- Question- Who is Sri Aurobindo? Give an introduction of him.
- Question- What are the ideas on Indian culture of Aurobindo, given in his essay 'Indian culture and external influence'?
- Question- Write an introduction of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. with whole life.
- Question- What is Idealism?
- Question- Write an introduction of 'An Idealist View of Life' by Radhakrishnan.
- Question- How does an idealist view life?
- Question- Write an introduction of Nirad C. Chaudhari.
- Question- Write the background of the book 'A passage to England' by C. Chaudhari.
- Question- Write a summary of 'A Passage to England' with giving an introduction of book. and describe 'The English Scene'.
- Question- What is the purpose of Chaudhari to write 'A Passage to England?
- Question- Write a short note on the life and works of Mrs. Meenakshi Mukherjee.
- Question- What do you know about The Perishable Empire : Essays on Indian writing in English' by Meenakshi Mukherjee?
- Question- Critically appreciate the poem The Harp of India'.
- Question- Give a brief life sketch of Henry Derozio.
- Question- Write a short note on Young Bengal Movement.
- Question- Provide a brief background of the poem 'The Harp of India'.
- Question- What do you know about part 1 of the poem?
- Question- What do you know about part 2 of the poem?
- Question- What impact has the prevailing conditions of the times made on India in the poem 'The Harp of India'?
- Question- Expalin with reference to the context any two of the following passeges.
- Question- Write a critical appreciation of 'Love Poem for a Wife' by A. K. Ramanujan.
- Question- In which style 'Love poem for a wife' is written? Explain.
- Question- Expalin with reference to the context any two of the following passeges.
- Question- Who is R. Parthasarathy? Write about his life and career.
- Question- What is the summary of the poem 'Exile from Homecoming"?
- Question- Write a Critical appreciation of the poem 'Exile From Homecoming'.
- Question- What has happened to poetry and why?
- Question- Why does the speaker recommend newspapers?
- Question- What is the introduction of 'Exile From Homecoming'?
- Question- Expalin with reference to the context any two of the following passeges.
- Question- What is the introduction of the poem 'Palanquin-Bearer'?
- Question- What is the critical appreciation of "The Palanquin Bearers'?
- Question- Write life and works of Sarojini Naidu.
- Question- What is the message in Palanquin Bearers by Sarojini Naidu?
- Question- What is the mood, tone and setting of the palanquin Bearers?
- Question- What is the Summary of the poem The Palanquin Bearers'?
- Question- Expalin with reference to the context following passege.
- Question- Write life and works of Shiv K. Kumar.
- Question- Write a note on Shiv K. Kumar as a poet.
- Question- Write a critical appreciation of the poem, 'Pilgrimage'.
- Question- Expalin with reference to the context following passege.
- Question- What do you know about Dom Moraes?
- Question- What is the summary of the poem "Bells for William Wordsworth".
- Question- Expalin with reference to the context following passege.
- Question- What is the summary of the poem Tribute to Papa' by Mamta Kalia?
- Question- Mamta Kalia's poem Tribut to Papa' is quest for an identy. Write about it?
- Question- Expalin with reference to the context following passege.
- Question- Explain how myth and symbolism are integral parts of Raja Rao's fictional act in Kanthapura.
- Question- What are the main features of Raja Rao's narrative technique in Kanthapura?
- Question- The three levels of action in Kanthapura-political, social and religious are all related to a unified concept of India. Discuss the structure of the novel in the light of the statement.
- Question- Provide a summary of the novel 'Kanthapura'.
- Question- What are the important themes one can find in Kanthapura?
- Question- Place Raja Rao in the context of the evolution of the Indian writing in English.
- Question- What do you know about the historical and political background of Kanthapura?
- Question- How deep and wide is the impact of Gandhi's personality and his thought on the theme of Kanthapura?
- Question- What do you know about Kanthapura and its people?
- Question- What is the significance of the Skeffington Coffee Estate in the overall account of the village in Kanthapura?
- Question- What are those qualities that go into the making of Moorthy, the central figure in Kanthapura?
- Question- What do you think of the women characters in Kanthapura? What is their role in the action of the novel?
- Question- How successful is Moorthy in leading his followers in the Satyagraha movement of the village?
- Question- Write a short essay on 'Considerations of Caste' in Kanthapura.
- Question- How successful is Achakka, the narrator in her attempt to tell the story of her village in the context of the Satyagraha movement?
- Question- Comment on some of the male character - other than Moorthy in Kanthapura.
- Question- What are some important themes in the novel 'The Guide'?
- Question- Provide a detailed character sketch of Raju (The Guide).
- Question- Can The Guide' be called a picaresque novel?
- Question- Comment on the narrative technique in "The Guide'.
- Question- Unravel the various aspects of Rosie's character in the light of the novel.
- Question- Sum up the literary elements found in the novel.
- Question- How is the concept of universality explored in the novel?
- Question- Write a short note on R.K. Narayan.
- Question- What do you know about Raju from 'The Guide'?
- Question- Give a brief character sketch of Rosie.
- Question- What importance does the town 'Malgudi' carry in most of the novel of R.K. Narayan?
- Question- Give a brief character sketch of Marco.
- Question- Write a brief character sketch of Velan.
- Question- How is title of the novel 'The Guide' appropriate?
- Question- Critically analyze the novel The Guide.'
- Question- Is Raju a transformed man by the end of the novel?
- Question- Is Velan a mere fool or a major accessory to Raju's transformation?
- Question- What roles do dharma and Karma play in the text?
- Question- What are the some important metaphors we come across after reading in the novel?
- Question- Write about the whole life of Shashi Deshpande with works.
- Question- Shashi Deshpande's craft as a novelist a study with special reference to 'That long Silence'
- Question- What is theme of the novel 'That Long Silence'?
- Question- Describe Jaya's Quest for self in "That Long Silence' by Shashi Deshpande.
- Question- What do you mean by the title of the novel 'That Long Silence'?
- Question- What is the introduction of Shashi Deshpande?
- Question- What is 'That Long Silence' about?
- Question- What is the relationship between Jaya and Mohan in the "That Long Silence'?
- Question- Who always reminds Jaya That husband is like sheltering tree?
- Question- Who is Kamat in the novel 'That Long Silence'?
- Question- What is the Indroduction of Firdaus Kanga's 'Trying to Grow'?
- Question- Analysis of Trying to Grow' by Firdaus Kanga.
- Question- Describe of Parsi Community in "Trying to Grow' by Firdaus Kanga?
- Question- Who is Firdaus Kanga?
- Question- What is the major achievement of 'Firdaus Kanga'?
- Question- Write about the sixth Happiness, BFI/BBC Film in 'Trying to Grow' by Firdaus Kanga.
- Question- Write life and works of Arundhati Roy.
- Question- How has Arundhati Roy projected the illicit or incestuous relations in 'The God of Small Things'?
- Question- Evaluate The God of Small Things' as a tale of confrontation as its theme.
- Question- Give a brief character sketch of Estha and Rahel.
- Question- Why did the relationship of Ammu and Velutha came to an abrup end?
- Question- Relate the atrocities faced by Ammu all her life and her insignificant end?
- Question- Describe the Roy's use of symbols and images in her novel.
- Question- Write the life and works of Ilavenil Meena Kandasamy.
- Question- What is the introduction of the novel 'When I Hit You?
- Question- Describe the portrayal of domestic violence in 'When I Hit You?
- Question- Write about The Feminism in 'When I Hit You?
- Question- What is the summary of the story "Two Lady Rams"?
- Question- Write a note on Indian-ness in "Two Lady Rams' by Mulk Raj Anand.
- Question- What is the significance of the Title 'Two Lady Rams'?
- Question- Who was the first wife of Lalla Jhinda Ram?
- Question- Who is Lalla Jhinda Ram?
- Question- Analyse the story "Two Lady Rams'.
- Question- Write about the life of Salman Rushdie.
- Question- Write about the carrer of Salman Rushdie.
- Question- Write the summary of the story "Free Radio" by Salman Rushdie.
- Question- Who was the narrator in the short story "The Free Radio'?
- Question- Justify the title of the story "The Free Radio'.
- Question- Who is Ramani and what is the role of Ramani in this story "The Free Radio'?
- Question- What is the introduction of the story 'The Free Radio'?
- Question- Why is the narrator so much concerned for Ramani?
- Question- What does the Free Radio Symbolize in the story free radio'?
- Question- Write about the sexism in the story 'The Free Radio'?
- Question- Write a summary of the story 'The Intrusion'.
- Question- Analyse the story "The Intrusion' as a quest for identity
- Question- Write about the human predicament and emotional suffocation in Shashi Deshpande's short story "The Intrusion'.
- Question- Write the justification of the title "The Intrusion.'
- Question- What does the wife want in the story "The Intrusion'?
- Question- Who is the intruder in the story 'The Intrusion'?
- Question- What is the summary of the story 'Diamond Dust' by Anita Desai?
- Question- Write about the themes of 'Diamond Dust' by Anita Desai.
- Question- Who is Mr. Das in the Story 'Diamond Dust'?
- Question- What is the role of Mrs Sheila Das in 'Diamond Dust?
- Question- Who is Diamond in the story 'Diamond Dust'?
- Question- Attempt a critical appreciation of Vijay Tendulkar's play, Silence! The Court is in Session.
- Question- Attempt an essay on Tendulkar's delineation of women in his play, silence! The court is in Session.
- Question- Discuss Tendulkar's humour satire and irony in 'Silence! The Court is in Session.'
- Question- Justify the title of Vijay Tendulkar's play, Silence! The Court is in Session.
- Question- Write a short note on the role of Sukhatme in the mock-trial in Tendulkar's play, Silence! The Court is in Session.
- Question- Wite the character sketch's of Mr. Kashikar.
- Question- Give a short account of Miss Benare as a teacher.
- Question- What verdict does Kashikar give in Benare's case?
- Question- Write a short note on Balu Rokde.
- Question- Bring out the significance of prof. Damle in Silence! The Court is in Session.
- Question- How does Tendulkar's play, Silence ! reveal society's partiality towards woman?
- Question- Life and work of Grish Karnad.
- Question- What is the introduction of 'The Fire and the Rain'?
- Question- Discuss the central themes of Girish Karnad's play, 'The Fire and the Rains'.
- Question- Write a character sketch of Yavakri.
- Question- Write a critical note on Paravasu-Vishakha relationship.
- Question- Write a character sketch Raibhya.
- Question- Comment on the significance of the role of the Actor Manager in "The Fire and the Rain'.
- Question- Wha is the theme of 'The Fire and The Rain'?
- Question- Who is Raibhya in "The Fire and The Rain'?
- Question- Who is Andhaka in the 'The Fire and The Rain'?
- Question- Who is Arvasu?
- Question- Write a note on the life and works of Manjula Padmanabhan.
- Question- Write the summary of 'Harvest' by Manjula Padamanabhan.
- Question- Write a note on Themes and Techniques in Manjula Padmanabhan's plays.
- Question- Who is the man character of the play 'Harvest'?
- Question- Who is Jaya in the story 'Harvest'?
- Question- How does Ginni control Om and his family?
- Question- Who is Ginni in the play 'Harvest'?
- Question- Discuss the theme of exploitation in the play 'Harvest'.