बी ए - एम ए >> एम ए सेमेस्टर-1 - अंग्रेजी - तृतीय प्रश्नपत्र - लिंग्विस्टिक्स एम ए सेमेस्टर-1 - अंग्रेजी - तृतीय प्रश्नपत्र - लिंग्विस्टिक्ससरल प्रश्नोत्तर समूह
5 पाठक हैं |
MA Semester-1 English Paper-III - Linguistics and ELT
Antonym means the words that give the opposite meaning of any word. There is a list of words and their antonyms.
Words - Meanings - Antonyms
Ability - योग्यता - Inability
Above - ऊपर - Below
Abhor - घृणा करना - Love
Abuse - गाली देना - Praise
Accept - स्वीकार करना - Refuse
Accurate - शुद्ध - Inaccurate
Admit - मानना - Deny
Admire - प्रशंसा करना - Criticise
Adversity - निर्धनता - Fortune
Alive - जीवित - Dead
Agree - सहमत होना - Disagree
Angry - क्रोधित होना - Happy
Aware - परिचित - Unaware
Appear - दिखायी पड़ना - Disappear
Arrest - पकड़ना - Free
Ample - पर्याप्त - Meagre
Ascent - चढाई - Descent
Acquit - मुक्त करना - Convict
Attack - आक्रमण - Defence
Ancient - प्राचीन - Modern
Acceptance - स्वीकृति - Rejection
Adversity - बुरे दिन - Prosperity
Arrival - आगमन - Departure
Armament - शस्त्रीकरण - Disarmament
Absurd - असंगत - Reasonable
Apt - पारंगत - Novice
Barbarous - असभ्य - Civilized
Benefit - लाभ - Loss
Beginning - आरम्भ - End
Big - बडा - Small
Blunt - कुण्ठित - Sharp
Bright - चमकीला - Dull
Believe - विश्वास करना - Disbelieve
Blame - दोष लगाना - Approve
Bold - वीर - Timid
Broad - चौडा - Narrow
Barbaric - बर्बर - Civil
Bravery - वीरता - Cowardice
Belief - विश्वास - Disbelief
Beautiful - सुन्दर - Ugly
Barren - बंजर - Fertile
Boon - वरदान - Bane
Better - बेहतर - Worse
Beneficial - लाभदायक - Injurious
Blessing - वरदान - Curse
Busy - व्यस्त - Idle
Build - निर्माण करना - Destruct
Buy - खरीदना -Sell
Best - सबसे अधिक अच्छा - Worst
Begin - प्रारम्भ करना - Finish
Birth - जन्म होना - Death
Banish - निर्वासित करना - Appoint
Bottom - तल - Top
Conceal - छिपाना - Reveal
Consent - सहमत होना - Dissent
Care - देखभाल करना - Neglect
Civilized - सभ्य - Uncivilized
Clean - स्वच्छ - Dirty
Conclude - समाप्त करना - Begin
Confess - स्वीकार करना - Deny
Construct - निर्माण करना - Destroy
Cowardice - कायरता - Bravery
Close - निकट - Far
Continue - जारी रखना - Discontinue
Cheerful - प्रसन्न - Gloomy
Cruel - निर्दयी - Kind
Cool - ठण्डा - Warm
Compare - तुलना करना - Contrast
Confidence - विश्वास - Diffidence
Concord - सामंजस्य - Discord
Complicated - जटिल - Simple
Courageous - साहसी - Timid
Converge - पास आना - Diverge
Cautions - सावधान - Reckless
Creation - निर्माण - Destruction
Coward - कायर - Bold
Cunning - चालाक Fool
Catch - पकड़ना - Leave
Cut - काटना - Add
Chief - मुख्य - Ordinary
Complex - जटिल - Simple
Candid - निष्कपट - Corrupted
Defensive - रक्षात्मक - Offensive
Defeat - पराजय - Victory
Deep - गहरा - Shallow
Desolate - निर्जन - Inhabited
Docile - विनीत - Stubborn
Decorate - सजाना - Spoil
Denounce - निन्दा करना - Praise
Domestic - घरेलू - Wild
Distress - संकट - Comfort
Demand - माँग - Supply
Deficit - घाटा - Surplus
Dwarf - बौना - Giant
Dull - नीरस - Interesting
Dynamic - गतिशील - Static
Diverge - दूर होना - Converge
Diminish - घटना - Increase
Difficult - कठिन - Easy
Deposit - जमा करना - Withdraw
Debtor - कर्जदार - Creditor
Disclose - प्रकट करना - Conceal
Darkness - अन्धकार - Light
Diligent - परिश्रमी - Idle
Danger - खतरा - Safety
Divine - दैवीय - Earthly
Decay - विनाश होना - Origin
Dawn - प्रातःकाल - Night
Drama - नाटक - Reality
Dry - सूखा - Wet
Deceased - मृतक - Alive
Dejection - निराशा - Hope
Deliberate - सुनियोजित - Unplanned
Delightful - आनन्ददायक - Painful
Deliver - मुक्त करना - Captive
Demolish - नष्ट करना - Construct
Derogatory - अपमानजनक - Respectful
Despise - घृणा करना - Like, Love
Devastate - नष्ट करना - Construct
Devotee - उपासक - Rival
Dexterious - निपुण - Novice
Disaster - संकट - Fortune
Discard - त्यागना - Accept
Discord - विरोध - Support
Discover - पता लगाना - Lose
Disgrace - अपयश - Fame
Diversity - विभिन्नता - Unity
Dreadful - भयानक - Beautiful
Doubt - सन्देह करना - Trust
Daring - साहसी - Timid
Economical - मितव्ययी, किफायती - Extravagant
Easy - सरल - Difficult
Encourage - उत्साहित करना - Discourage
Expedite - शीघ्र निपटाना - Delay
Entrance - प्रवेश - Exit
Ebb - उतार - Flow
Enjoyment. - आनन्द - Suffering
Eligible - उपयुक्त - Ineligible
Empty - खाली - Full
Earn - कमाना - Spend
Enjoy - आनन्द लेना - Suffer
Early - शीघ्र - Late
Extend - बढ़ाना - Limit
Enough - पर्याप्त - Insufficent
Emerge - निकलना - Disappear
Encourage - साहस बढ़ाना - Discourage
Endeavour - प्रयास करना - Sit idle
Enemy - शत्रु - Friend
Eradicate - नष्ट करना - Build
Esteem - सम्मान - Insult
Eternal - शाश्वत - Mortal
Famous - प्रसिद्ध, विश्वास - Notorious
Faith - विश्वास - Unfaith
Force - शक्ति - Weakness
Fabricate - गढ़ना - Eradicate
Fade - मुरझाना - Bloom
Fatal - घातक - Soft
Forbid - निषेध करना - Apply
Flaw - दोष - Quality
Faint - कमजोर होना - Strengthen
Fame - यश, कीर्ति - Obscurity
Frank - स्पष्टवादी - Reserved
Flexible - लचीला - Rigid
Fine - अच्छा - Coarse
Foreign - विदेशी - Native
Friendly - मित्रवत - Hostile
Fortune - भाग्य - Misfortune
Fiery - बहुत गर्म - Icy
Fat - मोटा - Lean
Foolish - मूर्ख - Wise
Failure - असफलता - Success
Freedom - स्वतन्त्रता - Slavery
Front - सामने का भाग - Back
Frown - झिड़कना - Smile
Fresh - ताजा - Stale
Full - भरा हुआ - Empty
Firm - दृढ़ - Wavering
Faithful - स्वामिभक्त - Unfaithful
Facility - सुविधा - Difficulty
Fierce - भयानक - Gentle
False - असत्य -True
Fine - जुर्माना - Reward
Fortunate - भाग्यशाली - Unfortunate
Gain - लाभ - Loss
General - व्यापक - Particular
Gentle - विनीत - Rude
Good - अच्छा - Bad
Grand - शानदार - Ordinary
Guilty - अपराधी - Innocent
Genuine - वास्तविक, असली - Spurious
Grave - गम्भीर - Cheerful
Grateful - कृतज्ञ - Ungrateful
Guest - मेहमान - Host
Gift - उपहार - Penalty
Gloom - अंधकार, दुःख - Happiness
Gentle - नम्र - Rude
Hatred - घृणा - Affection
Hardship - कंठिनाई - Facility
Haughty - घमण्डी - Docile
Holy - पवित्र - Profane
Humane - दयावान - Cruel
Humble - नम्र - Uncivilized
Happy - प्रसन्न - Unhappy
Hard - कठिन - Easy
Heaven - स्वर्ग - Hell
Honest - ईमानदार - Dishonest
Hope - आशा - Despair
Humility - नम्रता - Insolence
Handsome - सुन्दर - Ugly
Haste - शीघ्रता - Delay
Head - सिर - Foot
Heredity - विरासत - Environment
Honour - सम्मान - Dishonour
Import - आयात - Export
Include - शामिल करना - Exclude
Innocent - निर्दोष - Guilty
Increase - बढ़ाना - Decrease
Initial - प्रारम्भिक - Final
Ideal - आदर्श - Imperfect
Idle - सुस्त - Active
Ignoble - अप्रतिष्ठित - Prestigious
Illustrious - प्रसिद्ध - Notorious
Immense - विशाल - Narrow
Immortal - अमर - Mortal
Independence - स्वतंत्रता - Dependence or Slavery
Indifference - उदासीनता - Sympathy
Industrious - परिश्रमी - Lazy
Infinite - अनन्त - Limited
Innocent - निर्दोष - Accused
Impediment - रुकावट - Clear
Junk - कूड़ा-करकट - Useful
Junior - छोटा - Senior
Joy - आनन्द - Sorrow
Knowledge - ज्ञान - Ignorance
Lack - कमी - Abundance
Like - चाहना - Dislike
Literate - पढ़ा-लिखा - Illiterate
Lie - झूठ - Truth
Loose - ढीला - Tight
Love - प्रेम करना - Hate
Lock - बन्द करना - Unlock
Lad - लड़का - Lass
Logical - तर्कसंगत - Illogical
Legitimate - वैध - Illegitimate
Laborious - परिश्रमी - Lazy
Little - थोडा - Much
Lenient - उदार - Strict
Lovely - सुन्दर - Ugly
Make - बनाना - Mar
Majority - बहुमत - Minority
Miserable - दुःखी - Happy
Maximum - सर्वाधिक - Minimum
Material - भौतिक - Spiritual
Merit - गुण - Demerit
Mount - चढ़ना - Dismount
Miser - कंजूस - Spend thrift
Mourn - दुःखी होना - Rejoice
Misery - कष्ट - Prosperity
Mysterious - रहस्यपूर्ण - Open, Understood
Manifest - प्रकट करना - Conceal
Melancholy - उदास - Happy
Nefarious - बुरी - Respectful
Naughty - नटखट - Gantle
Noble - श्रेष्ठ - Mean
Noise - शोर - Silence
Natural - प्राकृतिक - Unnatural
Order - व्यवस्था - Disorder
Oral - मौखिक - Written
Obey - आज्ञा मानना - Disobey
Opposite - विपरीत - Same
Obligatory - अनिवार्य - Voluntary
Obsolete - अप्रचलित - In fashion
Obtain - प्रात करना - Lost
Obvious - स्पष्ट - Unclear
Oust - हटाना - Appoint
Overcome - जीतना - Defeat
Power - शक्ति - Weakness
Polite - नम्र - Strict
Praise - प्रशंसा करना - Criticise
Pray - प्रार्थना करना - Chide
Precious - कीमती - Valueless
Proceed - आगे बढ़ना - Retreat
Prominent - मुख्य - Ordinary
Prudence - समझदारी - Ignorance
Perpetual - अनन्त - Mortal
Protect - रक्षा करना - Attack
Peace - शान्ति - War
Praise - प्रशंसा करना - Blame
Punishment - दंड - Reward
Polite - नम्र - Rude
Progressive - प्रगतिशील - Orthodox
Permanent - स्थायी - Temporary
Particular - विशेष - General
Persuade - तैयार करना - Dissuade
Plenty - अधिकता - Scarcity
Pain - कष्ट - Pleasure
Proud - घमण्डी - Humble
Pure - शुद्ध - Impure
Poverty - निर्धनता - Affluence
Punish - दंड देना - Reward
Perfect - पूर्ण - Imperfect
Pride - घमंड - Humility
Prosperity - समृद्धि - Adversity
Quiet - शांत - Noisy
Quarrel - झगड़ा करना - Be friendly
Quit - छोडना - Receive
Raise - उठाना - Fall
Raze - नष्ट करना - Create
Recover - प्रात करना - Lose
Release - मुक्त करना - Captive
Reliable - विश्वसनीय - Incredible
Rival - विरोधी - Supporter
Rude - अशिष्ट - Civilized
Remember - याद करना - Forget
Respect - सम्मान करना - Insult
Raw - कच्चा - Ripe
Reveal - प्रकट करना - Conceal
Rational - विवेकपूर्ण - Irrational
Religious - धार्मिक - Irreligious
Servant - सेवक - Master
Superiority - श्रेष्ठता - Inferiority
Solid - ठोस - Liquid
Sacred - पवित्र - Profane
Steadfast - दृढनिश्चयी - Fickle
Slow - सुस्त - Fast
Sweet - मीठा - Sour
Transparent - पारदर्शी - Opaque
Tragedy - दुखान्त - Comedy
Tremble - काँपना - Stable
True - सत्य - False
Triumph - सफलता - Defeat
Tedious - थकाने वाला - Interesting
Ugly - कुरूप - Beautiful
Uproar - कोलाहल - Silent
Virtue - गुण - Vice
Voluntary - स्वैच्छिक - Compulsory
Vague - अस्पष्ट - Definite
Violent - हिसांत्मक - Non-violent
Victor - विजेता - Vanquished
Victory - विजय - Defeat
Vanish - अदृश्य होना - Appear
Vice - बुराई - Quality
Wisdom - बुद्धिमानी - Ignorance, Folly
Worry - चिन्ता करना - Carefree
Worthless - निरर्थक - Worthy
Wrong - अशुद्ध - Right
Wretched - अभागा - Lucky
Wise - बुद्धिमान - Foolish
Yearn - चाहना - Hate, Avoid
Yield - समर्पण करना - Attack
Zenith - चोटी - Bottom
Zeal - उत्साह - Indifference
Zigzag - टेढ़ा-मेढ़ा - Straight
- Question- Describe the place of English language in India.
- Question- Explain the term 'language'.
- Question- Define Language.
- Question- Write a note on Origin and development of Human language.
- Question- What is the meaning of language origins?
- Question- When did language come into existence?
- Question- What are the different theories of the origin of language?
- Question- What are the approaches to understanding the Evolution of language?
- Question- Is there any historical record of the development of human language?
- Question- What are the properties of Human Language?
- Question- What are the characteristics of human language?
- Question- What are the benefits of studying linguistics?
- Question- What are the six properties of language?
- Question- What are the properties of human language for Charles Hockett?
- Question- What is the meaning of Linguistic as science?
- Question- What is the science of linguistics?
- Question- What is scientific method in linguistics?
- Question- What is difference between philology and linguistics?
- Question- Why is linguistics a science?
- Question- What are the examples of science linguistics?
- Question- What are linguistic models in linguistics?
- Question- What are linguistic models in linguistics?
- Question- What is linguistic analysis?
- Question- What is the difference between statements in fact models and linguistic models?
- Question- What is the importance of linguistic analysis?
- Question- Is linguistic analysis meaningful meaning possible?
- Question- What is the drive or purpose behind linguistic analysis?
- Question- What is it called, when we study the study of language?
- Question- What is communication? What are different functions of communication?
- Question- Define the communication process with diagram.
- Question- Write a note on classification of the communication.
- Question- How does the need to communicate affect the development of language?
- Question- What is the role of English Language in Communication?
- Question- What is language in human communication?
- Question- What is the purpose of multiple uses of language?
- Question- What is difference between formal and informal communication?
- Question- What do you understand by Phonemes?
- Question- Define Phonology. In what respects does it differ from general phonetics?
- Question- Write a note on basic concept of phoneme.
- Question- What do you understand by Phonology? What is the difference between Phonetics and Phonology?
- Question- How do you classify English vowels according to the part of the tongue used during their articulation?
- Question- What is Consonant? What do you know about Contoids and Vocoids?
- Question- What are semi-vowels and how are they produced?
- Question- Write a note on Vowels.
- Question- What is Generative phonology?
- Question- We can divide the sound system into two parts. Name them.
- Question- What is the importance of stress in speaking a language?
- Question- Write a note on the functions of Intonation.
- Question- What is intonation? Types of intonation in spoken English.
- Question- What is attitudinal intonation and how to improve it?
- Question- Write a note on Stress.
- Question- Write a note on the levels of Stress.
- Question- What is Lexical Stress or Word Stress?
- Question- What is intonation and how does it works?
- Question- What is manner of Articulation?
- Question- What is place of articulation?
- Question- What is phonetic transcription? What is the difference between phonetic transcription and phonemic transcription?
- Question- Provide the phonetic transcripts of the following English words : (a) Keen (b) Measure (c) Noon (d) Share
- Question- Fill in the blanks with correct vowels.
- Question- What is phonetic transcription?
- Question- How do you transcribe phonemes in English?
- Question- What is syllable?
- Question- How many types of syllable in English?
- Question- What is an open syllable?
- Question- What is closed syllable?
- Question- What is morpheme in English Grammar?
- Question- What is the difference between free morphemes and affixes?
- Question- Why are morphemes considered open class words?
- Question- What is a zero-morpheme?
- Question- What is the difference between free and bound morphemes?
- Question- What is difference between compound and complex morphemes?
- Question- What are lexical morphemes?
- Question- What is the meaning of word and word classes?
- Question- What is the grammar of word classes?
- Question- What is an example of a word class?
- Question- What are word classes and why are they important?
- Question- Can a word belong to more than one word?
- Question- What is inflection in grammar?
- Question- What are the different forms of inflection?
- Question- What are inflection suffixes?
- Question- Write a definition of inflection. What are the eight inflections?
- Question- What are the five types of inflections?
- Question- What is inflection in communication?
- Question- What is derivation in English?
- Question- What are the rules of word formation and derivation?
- Question- What is the difference between derivation and infection?
- Question- What is compounding in linguistics with example?
- Question- What is compounding word formation examples?
- Question- What is compounding in English?
- Question- What is compounding in morphology and its types?
- Question- What are the three types of compounding?
- Question- What is the difference between compounding and blending words?
- Question- What is the difference between derivation and compounding?
- Question- What is categories and constituents in linguistic?
- Question- What are examples of constituents?
- Question- What does category mean in linguistics?
- Question- What are two syntactic categories?
- Question- What are the categories of english?
- Question- What are examples of Semantics?
- Question- What is the meaning of Predicate and Argument structure?
- Question- What is the difference between predicate and argument?
- Question- What is argument structure in semantics?
- Question- What is predicate in semantics?
- Question- What are the seven sentence structure?
- Question- What is sentence structure called?
- Question- What is the meaning of thematic roles in semantic analysis?
- Question- What is meant by thematic roles?
- Question- What is thematic role in a story?
- Question- Why are thematic roles important?
- Question- What is theme in semantic roles with examples?
- Question- Define case or what is case in syntax?
- Question- What is a case in syntax?
- Question- What is case grammar how syntactic and semantic can be combined?
- Question- What are semantic cases?
- Question- What is Phrase structure grammar?
- Question- What is the role of phrase-structure grammar?
- Question- What is phrase and types?
- Question- What are examples of phrases?
- Question- What is the meaning of lexical semantics and what is the relation and how meanings relate to each other?
- Question- What is lexical relation and example?
- Question- What are the sex lexical relations?
- Question- What is the meaning of lexical?
- Question- Why lexical relations are used in language?
- Question- What is implicative or implication function?
- Question- What is the symbol of implicative function?
- Question- What are two parts of an implication called?
- Question- What is the use of logical implication?
- Question- Explain the meaning of entailment and presupposition with examples.
- Question- What is difference between presupposition and entailment?
- Question- What are the types of entailment?
- Question- What are the types of presuppositions?
- Question- Why is entailment important?
- Question- What is the maxims of conversation?
- Question- What are maxims of conversation mean?
- Question- What is maxim of manner example?
- Question- What is the purpose of maxims?
- Question- What is the difference between maxim and aphorism?
- Question- What is speech act, explain it with example?
- Question- What is performative speech act?
- Question- What are the five functions of speech act?
- Question- What is the importance of speech act in our daily?
- Question- What is the meaning of speech act theory?
- Question- What is indirect speech acts?
- Question- What is the nature and application of psycholinguistics? Explain it with examples.
- Question- What is psycholinguistics?
- Question- What are the issues and areas of research in psycholinguistics?
- Question- What are the branches of psycholinguistics?
- Question- How many discipline are there in psycholinguistics?
- Question- What are the main objective of psycholinguistics?
- Question- What are the behaviourist theory of language learning?
- Question- What are the cognitive and mentalist views of language learning?
- Question- What is the difference between behaviourist and mentalist?
- Question- What are the three theories of language learning?
- Question- What are the three behavioural theories?
- Question- What is the cognitive theory of language development?
- Question- How are behaviourism and mentalist different in their views about learning?
- Question- What do you mean by individual differences in language learning? Explain with examples.
- Question- How does individual differences affect language learning?
- Question- Why is individual differences important in teaching and learning?
- Question- How do you apply individual differences in learning?
- Question- What is individual differences in learning?
- Question- What are the consequences of individual differences?
- Composition
- Parts of Speech
- Active Voice and Passive Voice
- Direct and Indirect Speech
- Tenses
- Synonyms
- Antonyms
- Question- Write the antonym of the following - (i) Changeable (ii) Deep (iii) Drave (iv) Include (v) Refuse (vi) Exactly
- Question- Translation from Hindi to English :
- Question- Translation from English to Hindi.
- Types of Sentences
- Idioms and Phrases
- Proverbs
- Letter Writing
- Question- Respond to an advertisement for the post of lecturer in a local college and supply details from your imagination.
- Question- Make an application to the Principal P. P. N. College Kanpur for giving you a full concession in fee..
- Question- Write an application to the Principal of your college requesting him to allow you to change one of your subjects.
- Question- Write an Application for the post of a Stenographer-cum accountant in a local bank.
- Question- Write an application to the District Supply Officer for supplying building material.
- Question- Write an application to the Principal of your college requesting him to grant you leave for four days so that you may attend the marriage ceremony of your elder sister.
- Write an application to the Principal of your college requesting him to make arrangements for a separate common room for girls in the college.
- Question- Write a letter to your younger brother advising him how to prepare for the Examinations.
- Question- Write a letter to your younger brother advising him to pay atten- tion to his studies and not to waste his time in the company of idle friends.
- Write a letter to the principal of the school for arranging reme dial class for English.
- Bussiness Letters
- Chief characteristics of a good application for employment
- Question- Write an application letter for the post of "Juniour Accountant Trainee" in the Vyasa Bank Ltd. New Delhi, addressing to the Personnel Manager.
- Question- Write popular and compact form of general purpose resume.
- Question- Write a Comprehensive Resume with its covering letter.
- Story Writing
- Question- Write a short story on 'Tit for Tat' in about 500 words.
- Question- Write a short story in about 500 words on 'where there's a will, there's a way.
- Question- Write an essay on The Menace of Terrorism.
- Question- Write an essay on Pollution.
- Question- Write an essay on Importance of Computer.
- Dialouge Writing
- Picture Composition
- Question- Answer in English the following questions on the above passage -
- Question- Choose the best answer out of the possible answers given.
- Question- Fill in the blanks below using suitable words taken from the list- (independence, control, powers, account, active, system, universal, strict.)
- Question- Choose the best answer out of the possible answers given-
- Question- Use suitable words from the list given below to fill in the blanks - (forgive, respect, scenery, truth, pleasure, err, speech, neglect, liberty, silence)
- Figure of Speech
- Precis Writing
- Paraphrasing
- Question- Grammar should be taught functionally at the lower classes and formally in the higher classes? Explain with concrete il lustrations.
- Question- What are the aims of teaching English Grammar?
- Question- What are the factors that influence language learning for students?
- Question- What are the factors that affect English language acquisition?
- Question- How do external factors effect English language learning?
- Question- What makes a language learner successful?
- Question- What are the external factors of English language learning?
- Question- Which factors impact the learning curve of English-Language learners?
- Question- Direct method ensures fluency, grammar translation method ensures accuracy but bilingual method ensures both discuss.
- Question- What do you understand by Billingual Method Ensure both Fluency and Accuracy?
- Question- Discuss merits and demerits of Direct Method of teaching English?
- Question- Show in what ways Direct Method is improvement over Translation cum-Grammar Method. How can a teacher effectively use it?
- Question- "Structural approach is the foundation upon which the study of English teaching should develop." Discuss.
- Question- What do you understand by situational approach to teaching English?
- Question- What do you understand by structural approach of teaching English?
- Question- What are the objectives of structural approach?
- Question- State the principles of structural approach.
- Question- What is the process of adopting structural approach?
- Question- Describe the merits of structural approach.
- Question- How will you make use of structural approach in teaching the students of sixth class?
- Question- Discuss in detail the inductive- Deductive method of teaching English grammar with appropriate example.
- Question- Write down the aims of teaching translation at school level.
- Question- Write a note on Translation Method.
- Question- What do you mean by inductive-deductive method for teaching of grammar?
- Question- Discuss Dr. Michael west's new method.
- Question- Discuss communicative approach of teaching.
- Question- Describe the demerits of Grammar-translation method.
- Question- Differentiate between approach and method of teaching.
- Question- Write a short note on bilingual method of English teaching.
- Question- Explain the main characteristics of Bilingual method of teaching English?
- Question- Discuss communicative approach of teaching.
- Question- What is Eclectic method (approach) of language learning/ teaching?
- Question- What are the advantages and disadvantages of Eclectic Approach?
- Question- What is the eclectic approach to teaching English?
- Question- What are the activities of eclectic method?
- Question- What is a notional-functional syllabus?
- Question- What are the theories of notional functional syllabus?
- Question- What is notional functional syllabus theory?
- Question- What is the notional functional movement in linguistics?
- Question- What is the silent way language Teaching approach?
- Question- What are the aims/goals of silent way of teaching approach?
- Question- What are the characteristics of silent way of teaching?
- Question- What are the roles of teacher and learner in silent way of teaching?
- Question- Define audio-visual aids. What is the need of these aids in the teaching of English?
- Question- Give definitions of audio-visual aids.
- Question- What are the needs/importance of audio-visual aids in teaching of English?
- Question- State some use of audio-visual aids for teaching English.
- Question- What is the importance of Black-Board in teaching of English?
- Question- What are the advantages of maps as a support material?
- Question- Comment on Projector.
- Question- State the objectives and role of language laboratory in teaching of English.
- Question- What is contrastive analyses?
- Question- How many types of errors in English language teaching?
- Question- What are the stages of Error Analysis?
- Question- What are the distinctions between mistakes and errors?
- Question- What is test and testing? Explain it.
- Question- What is the meaning of evaluation?
- Question- What is test, testing and evaluation?
- Question- What is the difference between test and testing?
- Question- What is evaluation testing important?
- Question- What is the purpose of testing?
- Question- What are the characteristics of a good test?
- Question- What is language planning and its types?
- Question- What are the stages of language planning?
- Question- What are the principles of language planning?
- Question- What is language planning and why is it important?
- Question- What is language planning in education?
- Question- What are the factors influencing language planning?
- Question- What is the difference between language planning and language policy?
- Question- What do you understand by lesson plan? Discuss its characteristics and approch to write it.
- Question- What would be the characteristics of a good lesson plan?
- Question- Discuss any approach of lesson planning.
- Question- List the various steps of lesson planning based on Herbartain approach.
- Question- 'Nothing is so fatal for a teacher as unpreparedness.' Discuss the need of lesson planning in the light of this statement.
- Question- Prepare a lesson plan of either prose or poetry or grammar or compostion on a topic of your own choice.
- Question- What are the possible learning outcomes in english primary stage according to the NCERT approach?
- Question- Give the outline of Herbartian Lesson Plan Format.
- Question- What are the advantages of Herbartian Lesson Plan?
- Question- What are the limitations of Herbartian Lesson Plan?
- Question- What are the important characteristics of a good lesson plan in Herbartian approach?
- Question- Enumnerate the term 'curriculum'. Which procedures are used for curriculum organisation?
- Question- Discuss various procedures of curriculum organisation.
- Question- Explain the topical approach of organization of curriculum.
- Question- Indicate the meaning of integrated approach to English cur- riculum organization.
- Question- Draw a structure of curriculum of English at various levels. The answer to this question is completed by consolidating the answers to the following related questions..
- Question- Suggest curriculum of English for secondary classes.
- Question- Give four drawbacks of existing curriculum of English.
- Question- Give a critical appraisal of existing Syllabus in English?
- Question- Describe the place of English language in India.
- Question- Discuss the place of English after independence.
- Question- Describe the place of English in present days.
- Question- Discuss the importance of English language in India.
- Question- Which language was termed as language of communication in India?
- Question- Why and when English is declared as an official language of Administration?
- Question- How did English open the gates of Western Sciences and Arts to Indians?
- Question- Explain importance suggested by different commissions about English language.
- Question- Explain the influence of English in education.
- Question- What is the role of English for Literary Development?
- Question- Why English is also called an International Language?
- Question- State effect of English in social life.
- Question- "English ensures Unity of India." How?
- Question- Explain the meaning of ecolonization and what its impact on english literature to literatures in english?
- Question- What is decolonization and why is it important?
- Question- Can pre-colonial cultures be recovered by decolonization?
- Question- What are the problems of teaching English in India?
- Question- What are the solutions for the problems faced by teacher's in Teaching English language?
- Question- What are the problems of teaching the English language?
- Question- What are the major obstacles in teaching English to students?
- Question- What is the basic need of teaching the English language?
- Question- What are the problems of teaching the English language?
- Question- What is "Register" and what it is use?
- Question- What are the types of register in English?
- Question- What is Diatype?
- Question- What is register in language?
- Question- What is a register style?
- Question- What is the function of registers?
- Question- What is Register classification in the OED?
- Question- Explain the role of English in India.
- Question- Enumerate the Nature of English Language.
- Question- What is english as a second language (ESOL).
- Question- Why is English the most popular second language?