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बीए सेमेस्टर-3 अंग्रेजी
Question- Write a note on character analysis of Blanche Dubois in "A Streetcar Named Desire" by Tennessee Williams.
Answer -
Tennessee Williams himself claimed that his purpose in writing plays was to examine and probe deeply such men and women whose desires have remained unfulfilled and feel the external factors responsible for it. Blanche Dubois also appears to live a dual life the source of which is in her own split personality. Essentially an uprooted person, she is in search of a stable life where she can be assured of love, protection and comfort. She comes to her married sister's home to live but is unable to find all that her heart desired. This is mainly because she tries to project herself as someone who is a cut above the level at which others live, behaving and speaking and generally giving impression of belonging to upper class.
This not just a girlish playful act, it is a deliberate creation of another world of illusions far removed and often contrary to harsh realities in which she not only wants others to believe but begins herself to live. Out of the bright landscape of her fanciful imagination keep the brutal facts of life her intense emotional suffering when one by one the family elders at her native Belle Reve died, rendering her lonely. Belle Reve glimmers in the distance like an inaccessible past, where she suffered her lonely, something she can not share with anyone else. This also that unsuccessful marriage of hers with the young man Allan who turned out to be homosexuals, caught in the act by her and felt such humiliation that he killed himself on the spot. She was totally exposed to the inner devastation and wanted to be saved. Here at her sister's place, she finds living conditions "unbearable".
"It is really a frightful situation you see, there's no privacy here. There's just these portieres between the two rooms at night...... A teacher's salary is barely sufficient for her living expenses. I didn't save a penny last year and so I had to come here for the summer. And he has to put up with me, apparently so much against his wishes."
Her problems are compounded by the fact that she lost her job as a teacher and her frayed nerves are not much Stanley's obdurate attitude making him stand dead against determined to expose her to the world. So we see that at one level Blanche's life presents a picture of devastation, desolation, loneliness and hunger for emotional attachment. Her coming to this placed "Elysian Fields" where she hoped to find happiness and stability only percipitates her troubles.
In Typical Tennessee Williams formula Blanche's succour lies in creating illusions about herself by hiding the truth and living on imagined things. She puts on expensive clothes to give a false impression that she lives comfortably and has money. While the fact is that she has lost the family property, has been rendered penniless and has come to her sister's because she can not go anywhere else. She serves two purposes: concealing reality, thus temporarily finding a safely measure to save herself and then creating a world of illusions which she thinks will not only elevate her image in other's eyes, but provide a source of wish fulfilling wherein she can live according to her own desire. This is the second level of existence. But these two levels don't remain neatly separated, tragically they overlap and create greater bewilderment in her mind.
The frightful mix-up which occurs insanely in her as the play progresses and even Mitch spurns her, drives her to greater. terror of desperation at the end of which stands Stanley cruel and unrelenting as fate. One such imaginary character she fabricates for herself is Mr. Shep Huntligh of Dallas, multi-millionaire celeberity. She herself falls vitim to these illusions to the extent that she believes them to be real. So in scene 10 when she is practically cornered by stan before he criminally assaults her, Blanche rushes to phone to this imaginary man. This scene, and prior to it the one in which Mitch refuses to marry her, shows his desire to posses her physically and reveals in full measure to what extent has Blanche's mind become disorinted as a result of repeated assaults on her inner world of dreams and ambitions.
This denial of the real, or inability to cope up with the diverse, kinds of reality in life leads her to create in her a compulsive habit of living in imaginary, fanciful world. In this sense, she can be said to possess a "split personality", a character who simultaneously exists on two opposite planes, and faces the more harrowing challenges from a clash between these sides. What Tennessee Williams wanted to portray is this battleground that a person turns into in which hidden urges and motives surface in confused hordes to get locked into bitter fight for dominance. That precisely is Blanche's problem at bottom.
- Question- What is Tragedy? What is its origin and development?
- Question- Write a note on the Modern Tragedy.
- Question- What is Comedy? When did it originate? How did it develop?
- Question- What is Comedy and describe the types of Comedy?
- Question- Define Tragi-comedy with special reference to Shakespeare's Dramatic Romances.
- Question- Describe the Expressionist Drama.
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- Question- What are the characteristics of the problem play? Who are its main exponents?
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- Question- What do you say about the relationship of the theatre of the Absurd with existentialism?
- Question- Mention briefly the vision of Tragedy.
- Question- Mention briefly the Catharsis.
- Question- Write a note on the Plot of Tragedy.
- Question- What does Aristotle say about the tragic hero in the Tragedy?
- Question- Write a brief note on the Three Unities.
- Question- Write a brief note on the Diction of the Tragic Artist.
- Question- Mention in brief the qualities of the Greek Tragedy.
- Question- What is more important in the Greek Tragedy - Plot or Character?
- Question- How does a hero fall in a Greek Tragedy.
- Question- What are the qualities of the Greek tragic hero?
- Question- How is Shakespearean Tragic hero different from the Greek tragic hero?
- Question- What are the main qualities of the Shakespearean Tragedy?
- Question- In a Shakespearean tragedy how is character destiny.
- Question- Why is the heroic Tragedy so called? What are its salient qualities?
- Question- Conflict between love and honour is the major theme of the Heroic Tragedy. Comment.
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- Question- What type of characters does the Classical Comedy deal with?
- Question- Write a brief note on Romantic Comedy.
- Question- What are the qualities of the Comedy of Humours?
- Question- Write a short on the contribution of Ben Jonson to the Comedy of Humours.
- Question- Write a brief note on the qualities of the Comedy of Manners.
- Question- What is sentimental Comedy and what are the qualities of the sentimental Comedy?
- Question- Mention in brief Sheridan's contribution to the writing of Anti-sentimental Comedy.
- Question- Write a brief note on the qualities of Tragi-comedy.
- Question- Who influenced English Comedy immensely?
- Question- What was the influence of University Wits of Shakespeare?
- Question- Write a short note on the structure of the Shakespeare an stage.
- Question- Write a short note on the structural peculiarity of Tragi-comedy.
- Question- Describe briefly the different views of different writers against or in favour of Tragi-Comedy.
- Question- Define and discuss Poetic Drama.
- Question- Mention the names of major poetic dramatists of the 20th century and also point out in brief their contribution to the poetic drama.
- Question- Write a short note on the origin of Closet Drama.
- Question- What do you understand by 'Closet Drama'? Give three examples of Closet Drama.
- Question- Write a brief note on the characters of the Problem Play.
- Question- Why are the problem plays known as the dramas of ideas or propaganda plays?
- Question- Mention in brief the contribution of Galsworthy to modern tragedy.
- Question- Mention the names of prominent problem playwrights except Galsworthy and write in brief their contribution to the art of the problem play.
- Question- Write a note on the origin of Expressionist Drama in Modern Sense.
- Question- What is the style of the expressionist drama?
- Question- Write a note on the drama of ideas.
- Question- Mention briefly the history of the drama of ideas.
- Question- What is the relation between a sentimental comedy and anti-sentimental comedy?
- Question- What do you understand by the term melodrama? Trace its origin and development in the Elizabethan drama.
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- Question- Why do writers use authorial intrusion?
- Question- How to use authorial intrusion?
- Question- How does authorial intrusion help with the theme?
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- Question- What does authorial mean in literature?
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- Question- What is the circumlocution techniques?
- Question- What is the the difference between circumlocution and verbalization?
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- Question- What does conflict mean in a story?
- Question- What is the central conflict or core conflict?
- Question- What is character conflict?
- Question- Why conflict the most element of the plot?
- Question- What are the element of conflict?
- Question- What is difference between conflict and tension in literature?
- Question- What is the function of external conflict in literature?
- Question- What is the definition of diction? What are features of diction? Explain with examples.
- Question- What are the types of diction?
- Question- What is the function of diction in literature?
- Question- What are the elements of diction?
- Question- What are the functions of diction in plays and poetry?
- Question- How diction is used in literature?
- Question- What is the difference between diction and vocabulary?
- Question- What is dialect and diction?
- Question- What is an epilogue in literature? Explain it with examples.
- Question- What are different types of epilogue?
- Question- What is differnce between epilogue, prologue and afterword?
- Question- What are the functions of epilogue?
- Question- What is the importance of the epilogue?
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- Question- What are the different types of epithet?
- Question- What is the function of epithet?
- Question- What is the importance of epithet?
- Question- When to use epithet?
- Question- How to write an epithet?
- Question- What is euphemism and define euphemism with examples?
- Question- What are the different types of euphemism?
- Question- What are the characteristics of euphemism?
- Question- What is the purpose of euphemism?
- Question- What is difference between euphuism and euphemism?
- Question- What is difference between euphemism and dysphemism?
- Question- What is difference between euphemism and a metaphor?
- Question- What is euphony and what are the features of euphony? Explain it with examples.
- Question- What is the function of euphony?
- Question- What are other elements used to create euphony?
- Question- How do you identify euphony in poetry?
- Question- What is malapropism in literary device? Define it with examples.
- Question- What is Malapropism or Dogberryism?
- Question- Why did William Shakespeare use malapropisms?
- Question- What is difference between malapropism and spoonerism?
- Question- What is Flashback in literature? Explain it with examples.
- Question- What are different types of flashbacks?
- Question- How do flashback add to the conflict of a story?
- Question- What are the two types of flashback?
- Question- What is flash-forward in literature?
- Question- What is difference between flashback and flash-forward?
- Question- Why do writers use flashbacks in literature?
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- Question- What are the different types of foils?
- Question- What is the objective of a foil in writing?
- Question- Why are foils important in literature?
- Question- What is difference between foil and antagonist characters?
- Question- Write famous examples of foil in literary character pairs.
- Question- What is foreshadowing? Define it with examples.
- Question- Write famous examples of Foreshadowing.
- Question- What are the different types of foreshadowing?
- Question- What is the difference between foreshadowing and flashback in literature?
- Question- What is difference between foreshadowing and flash-forward?
- Question- What is foreshadowing in writing?
- Question- What is the importance of foreshadowing?
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- Question- What is the importance of Hubris in literature?
- Question- What is hubris according to Aristotle?
- Question- How does Greek mythology depict hubris?
- Question- What is the difference between hamartia and hubris?
- Question- What is meaning of Hyperbaton in literature? Define it with some examples.
- Question- What are functions of hyperbaton?
- Question- What are the different types of hyperbaton?
- Question- What is the difference between hyperbaton and anastrophe?
- Question- What is the importance of using hyperbaton?
- Question- What is motif in literature? What are the examples of motif?
- Question- What is the relationship between motif and theme?
- Question- What is differénce between motif and symbol?
- Question- What are the functions of motif?
- Question- What is use of motifs in literature?
- Question- What is the definition of nemesis in literature? Explain with example.
- Question- What is a villian's nemesis?
- Question- What is a nemesis protagonist?
- Question- What is the function of nemesis?
- Question- What is difference between Antagonist and Nemesis?
- Question- What is the definition of periphrasis? What is the example of periphrasis in literature?
- Question- What are the types of periphrasis?
- Question- What are difference between paraphrasis and periphrasis?
- Question- What are the functions of periphrasis?
- Question- What is the difference between periphrasis and circumlocution?
- Question- What is meaning of Portmanteau in literature? What are the examples of it?
- Question- Distinguish between portmanteau and compound words?
- Question- What are some of the common portmanteau words?
- Question- What are some of names by which portmanteau words are known?
- Question- What is meaning or definition of prologue in literature? What are the example of it?
- Question- What is the difference between a prologue and a forward?
- Question- What is exposition in a prologue?
- Question- What is the difference between prologue, epilogue and preface?
- Question- What is the function of prologue?
- Question- What are the advantages and disadvantages of prologue?
- Question- What are the three unities of drama?
- Question- Write a brief note on the three unities.
- Question- What are the unity of time and place in tragedy?
- Question- What the unity of time, place and action used by Shakespeare in drama?
- Question- How three unities are supported new classical's dramatist's play?
- Question- What is the definition of setting in the English literature and what are the examples of it?
- Question- What are the different types of settings?
- Question- What are the functions of setting?
- Question- What is the setting in a story?
- Question- Why is setting important?
- Question- What is the meaning of spoonerism in literature and what are the examples of spoonerism, explain it?
- Question- What do you know about malapropism?
- Question- What are spoonerisms a sign of?
- Question- Why do spoonerisms happen?
- Question- What is the use of spoonerism?
- Question- What is the meaning of stage direction in literature?
- Question- What is the purpose of stage direction in drama?
- Question- What is an example of stage direction?
- Question- Are stage directions spoken or written?
- Question- How do you give stage direction to actors?
- Question- What is the definition of syntax? What are the examples of syntax in English Literature?
- Question- What is the function of syntax?
- Question- What is syntax in literature with examples?
- Question- Why do writers use syntax and diction?
- Question- What is the correct syntax for poetry?
- Question- What is the definition of theme? What are the examples of theme in literature?
- Question- What is the difference between the theme and subject matter?
- Question- What are the three literary devices used to identify themes?
- Question- What is a universal theme in literature?
- Question- What are the difference between thematic concept and thematic statement?
- Question- What is the definition of understatement and what are the examples of understatement in literature?
- Question- What is the difference between Ironic and Non-Ironic understatement?
- Question- What is the difference between understatement and Hyperbole?
- Question- What are the functions of understatement?
- Question- What is comedic understatement?
- Question- What is the definition of verisimilitude in literature? What are the examples of verisimilitude?
- Question- What is verisimilitude according to Popper?
- Question- What is function of verisimilitude?
- Question- What is an example of Cultural Verisimilitude?
- Question- How to use verisimilitude?
- Question- Bring out the major themes used in the Othello.
- Question- Examine the sources of othello, noting the point in which shakespeare differs from the original story.
- Question- Notwithstanding her love for Othello, Desdemona is a passive character." Discuss.
- Question- "Shakespeare never loses his faith in goodness while he is sounding the depths of evil in his great tragedies." Discuss.
- Question- Estimate Othello as a villain dominated tragedy.
- Question-What strange things did Othello see in foreign countries? What did Desdemona wish hearing Othello's story of life?
- Question- When did Brabantio accept Othello as his son-in-law? What was his message of warning to Othello?
- Question- Who was lago? Why did lago conspire to take revenge against Othello?
- Question- Why could not Desdemona give Othello the strawberry spotted handkerchief? What was magical about the handkerchief?
- Question- How did Othello overcome the fury of Brabantio after marrying Desdemona?
- Othello - William Shakespeare ः Important Explanations
- Question- Enumerate Shaw's purpose in writing 'Arms and the Man.'
- Question- Analyse Shaw's attack on idealistic view of life.
- Question- Analyse 'Arms and the Man' as Anti-Romantic play.
- Question- Describe life and works of Bernard Shaw.
- Question- Write a note on Bernard Shaw as a dramatist.
- Question- Justify the title of the Shaw's play "Arms and the Man".
- Question- What was Shaw's object in writing 'Arm and the Man'.
- Question- Give your impression of the character of Louka.
- Question- Write a brief note on satire in 'Arms and the Man'.
- Question- Who is the hero of 'Arms and the Man'?
- Question- Evaluate "She Stoops to Conquer" as a Comedy of Intrigue.
- Question- Discuss She Stoops to Conquer as Anti-Sentimental Comedy.
- Question- Describe symbolism in She Stoops to Conquer by Oliver Goldsmith.
- Question- Discuss the historical context of She Stoops to Conquer.
- Question- Do you accept the view that She Stoops to Conquer is a comedy of youth-the first since Shakespeare?
- Question- "The first blow is half the battle.' Explain.
- Question- Bring out the aptness of the title, She 'Stoops to Conquer'.
- Question- Comment on 'She Stoops to Conquer' as a merry play.
- Question- Comment on Tony Lumpkin, whom do you consider to be the central character of the play?
- Question- "The Devil, Sir............. supper."-Explain.
- Question- "The comic Muse, long, sick, is now-a-dying."Explain.
- Question- Write a note on the dramatic significance of the Four Tempesters in 'Murder in the Cathedral'.
- Question- Give a character sketch of Thomas Becket as depicted in Eliot's 'Murder in the Cathedral'.
- Question- Discuss 'Murder in the Cathedral, as a poetic play.
- Question- 'Murder in the Cathedral' is not just a dramatization of the death of Becket', it is a deep searching study of the significance of Martyrdom." Comment.
- Question- What is the dramatic significance of the Temptation episode"?
- Question- Give in brief the historical background of the play, 'Murder in the Cathedral'.
- Question- The last sermon of Thomas in 'Murder in the Cathedral' reveals him a real Christian martyr. What is your view?
- Murder in the Cathedral - T. S. Eliot : Important Explanations
- Question- "Tennessee Williams was an American playwright of 20th Century of American drama." Write a note on it.
- Question- What are the themes of play "A Streetcar Named Desire?"
- Question- Write a sumamry of the play "A Streetcar Named Desire" by Tennessee Williams.
- Question- Write a note on character analysis of Blanche Dubois in "A Streetcar Named Desire" by Tennessee Williams.
- Question- Discuss symbolism in 'A Streetcar Named Desire' by William Tennessee.
- Question- What happened to Belle Reve, the Dubois family home?
- Question- Why did Blanche come to new Orleans?
- Question- How did Blanche's husband Allan die?
- Question- Why does Mitch reject Blanche?
- Question- Explain the line "I have always depended on the kindness of strangers."
- Question- Write a note on the characteristics of Arthur Miller's writing style.
- Question- Write a summary of Arthur Miller's play "The Price".
- Question- What is the theme of the play "The Price" by Arthur Miller?
- Question- Write note on role of Walter and Victor Franz in play "The Price" by Arthur Miller.
- Question- What is Arthur Miller best known for?
- Question- What is the central theme of his (Arthur Miller) play?
- Question- Write character sketch of Victor Franz.
- Question- Who was the cast of the price?
- Question- What is The Price by Arthur Miller about?
- Question- What is plot of the 'The Price' by John Steinbeck?
- Question- Did Walter of Wabash make tables for the furniture company?