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B Sc - M Sc >> Solid State Electronics

Solid State Electronics

Rajesh Kumar Verma

Ashish Chaudhary

Dr. Satyendra Nath Tiwari

Publisher : Ram Prasad Publications Published Year : 2018
Pages :172
Cover : PB
Book Id : 2509
Isbn :9789383385225

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According to Uniform Syllabus of Physics for B.Sc. Third Year paper-III CSJM University Kanpur

According to Uniform Syllabus of Physics for B.Sc. Third Year CSJM University Kanpur.


Solid State Electronics

1. Semiconductors and Semiconductor Diodes 1-27
1. Semiconductors 1;
2. Intrinsic Semiconductor 1;
3. Extrinsic Semiconductor 3;
4. p-n Junctions 5;
5. Biasing of p-nt junction 8;
6. V-I Characteristics of p- Junction 10;
7. Equation of V-I Characteristics of Diode 12;
8. Space Charge or Transition Capacitance 12:
9. Diffusion or Charge Storage Capacitance 13;
10. Static and Dynamic Resistance of a Diode 13:
11. Zener Diode 13;
12. Tunnel Diode 14;
13. Photo Diode 16;
14. Light-Emitting Diode (LED) 17;
15. Point Contact Diode 19;
16. Metal Semi Conductor Junction 19;
17. IMPATT Diode 21;
18. Thermistor 22.
2. Transistors ...28-52
1. Junction Transistor 28;
2. Transistor Terminals 29;
3. Unbiased Transistor 30;
4. Working of npn Transistor 30;
5. Working of p-n-p Transistor 30;
6. Transistor Connections 31;
7. Common Base Configuration 31;
8. Characteristics of Common Base Configuration 32:
9. Common Emitter Configuration 34:
10. Characteristics of Common Emitter Configuration 35;
11. Common Collector Configuration 37;
12. Early Effect or Base Width Modulation 38;
13. Transit Time and Lifetime of Minority Carriers 38;
14. Base Spreading Resistance 39;
15. Diffusion Capacitance 39;
16. Four Terminal Network Representation of a Transistor 39;
17. Short Circuit Adimittance Parameters or yParameters 40;
18. Open Circuit Impedance Parameters or 2-param Parameters 42;
20. Analysis of Transistor Amplifier Using h-Parameter 43
21. Nomenclature for Transistor h-Parameter 16
22. Parameter Equivalent Circuit 46.
3. Transistor Biasing...53-74
1. Introduction 53
2. Transistor Loud Line Analysis 53:
3. Stabilization 54
4. Methods of Biasing 56.
4. Transistor Amplifiers...75-108
1. Introduction 75
2. Classification of Transistor Amplifiers 75
3. Small Signal Low Frequency Transistor Amplifier 76
4. Practical Circuit of Common Emitter Transistor Amplifier 77,
5. Phase Reversal 78,
6. Analysis of Amplifier 78
7. D.C. Equivalent Circuit 79
8. A.C. Equivalent Circuit 79
9. Load Line Analysis 79
10. Voltage Gain and Power Gain 81
11. Multistage Transistor Amplifier 82.
12. Important Terms used in Multistage Amplifier 82:
13. RC Coupled Transistor Amplifier 84:
14. Frequency Response Curve 85
15. Small Signal and Large Signal Amplifiers 86:
16. Power Amplifier 86
17. Series Fed, Directly Coupled Class A Amplifier 88:
18. Power Distribution 91:
19. Transformer Coupled Class A Power Amplifier 91,
20. Harmonic Distortion in Power Amplifier 93
21. Class A Push Pull Power Amplifier 94,
22. Class B Push Pull Power Amplifier 95
23. Thermal Runaway 97.
24. Heat Sinking for Power Transistors 97
25. Thermal Resistance 98:
26. Feedback in Amplifiers 98:
27. Principle of Feedback 100.
5. Field Effect Transistors…109-132
1. Introduction 109:
2 Classification of Field Effect Transistors 109
3. Junction Field Effect Transistor 110
4 Working Principle of JFET 111;
5. Difference between JFET and BJT 113.
6. JFET Characteristics 113
7. Parameters of JFET 114
8. Relation Among JFET Parameters 115:
9. JFET Biasing 115,
10. Practical JFET Amplifier 117
11. d.c. Load Line Analysis 119:
12 Voltage Gain of JFEL Anplifier 119:
13. Metal Oxide Semiconductor FET(MOSFET) 121
14. Depletion MOSFET (D-MOSFET) 121
15. Enhancement MOSFET (EMOSFET) 124.
6. Power Supplies....133-140
1. Switch Mode Power Supply 133
2. SMPS and Linear Power Supply Comparison 133
3. Block Diagram of Switch Mode Power Supply 134
4. Inverters 135
5. Working Principle of Inverters 135
6. Thyristor Inverters 135
7. Single Phase Half Bridge Voltage Source Inverters 136
8. Single Phase Full Bridge Inverters 138.
7. Integrated Circuits...141-163
1. Introduction 141
2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Integrated Circuits 141
3. Classification of Integrated Circuits 142
4. IC Chip Size and Level of Integration 143
5. Basic Processes used in Monolithic Technology 144
6. Fabrication of a Typical Circuit 146
7. Phototransistor 148
8. Applications of Phototransistor 149
9. Unijunction Transistor (UJT) 150
10. Applications of UJT 153
11. Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) 154
12. Equivalent Circuit of SCR 156
13. SCR Terminology 156
14. Characteristics of SCR 157
15. SCR Applications 157.
Logarithmic And Antilogarithmic Tables... i-iv

First Page

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