अंग्रेजी भाषा >> ए बुक आफ इंगलिश प्रोज ए बुक आफ इंगलिश प्रोजडॉ. बी डी पाण्डेय
उत्तर प्रदेश के विभिन्न विश्वविद्यालयों के अंग्रेजी बी.ए. प्रथम वर्ष के द्वितीय प्रश्नपत्र हेतु स्वीकृत एकीकृत पाठ्यक्रम पर आधारित अंग्रेजी माध्यम में
1. Types of Prose and Prose Style ... 1-22
Development of English Prose, Periodical Essay, Formal Essay, Personal Essay, Autobiography, Biography, Memoirs, Travelogue, Types of Prose, Style, Some Other Types of Prose.
2. Of Studies - Francis Bacon 23-42
Text, Summary, Text and Explanations, Life and Works. Francis Bacon: As a Prose Writer, Qualities of Bacon's Essays, Message of the Essay 'Of Studies. Critical Appreciation of Bacon's Essay 'Of Studies'.
3. On Recollections of Childhood - Richard Steele ... 43-64
Text, Summary. Text and Explanations, Life and Works, Richard Steele : As an Essayist, Prose Style of Steele, Critical Appreciation of the Essay, Humour and Satire.
4. Sir Roger at Church - Joseph Addison ... 65-87
Text, Summary, Text and Explanations, Life and Works, Addison's Prose Style, Addison : As an Essayist, Critical Appreciation of the Essay, Theme of Addison's Essay Sir Roger at Church', Addison and Steele : A Comparison.
5. The Convalescent - Charles Lamb ... 88-114
Text, Summary, Text and Explanations, Life and Works, Charles Lamb: As an Essayist, Salient Features of Lamb's Prose Style, Autobiographical Elements of the Lamb's Essay, 'The Convalescent': Some Important Facts, Critical Appreciation of the Essay.
6. A Letter to Lord Chesterfield ... 115-137
- Dr. Samuel Johnson
Text, Summary, Text and Explanations, Life and Works, Dr. Johnson : As an Essayist, Dr. Johnson: As a Prose Writer. Dr. Johnson : As a Critic, Dr. Johnson : As a Biographer, Defects of Johnson's Critical Approach.
7. On Running After One's Hat - G.K. Chesterton ... 138-154
Text, Summary, Text and Explanations, Life and Works, G.K. Chesterton : As a Prose Writer, G.K. Chesterton : As an Essayist, Critical Appreciation of the Essay.
8. An Apology for Idlers - Robert Louis Stevenson ... 155-181
Text, Summary, Text and Explanations, Life and Works, Stevenson : As an Essayist, Critical Appreciation of Essay, Main Characteristics of Stevenson's Style, 'An Apology for Idlers': Some Facts.
9. On Shaking Hands - A.G. Gardiner ... 182-197
Text, Summary, Text and Explanations, Life and Works, A.G. Gardiner : As a Prose Stylist, A.G. Gardiner : As an Essayist, Critical Appreciation of the Essay, Prose Style of A.G. Gardiner.
10. A Disappointed Man - Robert Lynd ... 198-216
Text, Summary, Text and Explanations, Life and Works, Robert Lynd : As an Essayist, Critical Appreciation of the Essay, Comparison between the Styles of Robert Lynd and J.B. Priestley.
11. On Doing Nothing - J.B. Priestley ... 217-236
Text, Summary, Text and Explanations, Life and Works, J.B. Priestley: As an Essayist, Critical Estimate of Priestley's Essay 'On Doing Nothing', Theme of Priestley's Essay 'On Doing. Nothing', Merits of Priestley's Style.
12. On Spellings-Hilaire Belloc ... 237-253
Text, Summary, Text and Explanations, Life and Works, Critical Appreciation of the Essay 'On Spellings', Hilaire Belloc : As an Essayist, Style of Hilaire Belloc.
13. Bores - E.V. Lucas ... 254-272
Text, Summary, Text and Explanations, Life and Works, E.V. Lucas : As an Essayist, Style of E.V. Lucas, Critical Appreciation of the Essay, 'Bores'.