अंग्रेजी भाषा >> ए बुक आफ इंगलिश पोएट्री ए बुक आफ इंगलिश पोएट्रीडॉ. बी डी पाण्डेय
उत्तर प्रदेश के विभिन्न विश्वविद्यालयों के अंग्रेजी बी.ए. प्रथम वर्ष के प्रथम प्रश्नपत्र हेतु स्वीकृत एकीकृत पाठ्यक्रम पर आधारित
1. Forms of Poetry ... 1-16
The Sonnet
The Elegy
The Ode
The Epic
The Ballad
The Lyric
The Dramatic Monologue
The Allegory
2. Stanza Forms ... 17-22
The Heroic Couplet
The Blank Verse
The Spenserian Stanza
Terza Rima
3. William Shakespeare ... 23-37
'Let Me Not to the Marriage of True Minds' (Sonnet No. 116)
Introduction of the Poem
Substance of the Poem
Text, Word Meaning, Paraphrase and Hindi Explanations
Life and Works
Shakespeare's Sonnets
Autobiographical Elements in Shakespeare's Sonnets
Critical Appreciation of the Poem
4. John Donne ... 38-50
'A Hymn to God, Thy Father'...
Introduction of the Poem
Substance of the Poem
Text, Word Meaning, Paraphrase and Hindi Explanations
Life and Works
John Donne : As a Poet
John Donne: As a Metaphysical Poet...
Religious Poetry of Donne
Critical Appreciation of the Poem
5. Michael Drayton ... 51-60
'Since There's No Help'
Introduction of the Poem
Substance of the Poem
Text, Word Meaning, Paraphrase and Hindi Explanations
Life and Works
Michael Drayton : As a Poet
Critical Appreciation of the Poem
6. Alexander Pope ... 61-75
'Lines on Addison from the Dunciad'
Introduction of the Poem
Background of the Poem
Substance of the Poem
Text, Word Meaning, Paraphrase and Hindi Explanations
Life and Works
Important Aspects of Pope's Poetry
Pope : As a Satirist
Pope : As a Neo-classical Poet
Pope and Dryden as Satirist : A Comparison
Critical Appreciation of the Poem
7. Thomas Gray ... 76-123
'Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard'
Introduction of the Poem
Substance of the Poem
Text, Word Meaning, Paraphrase and Hindi Explanations
Life and Works
Romantic Elements in Gray's Poetry
Thomas Gray and his Classicism
Seeds of Future in the Poetry of Gray
Autobiographical Element in Gray's Elegy
Critical Appreciation of the Poem
8. William Blake ... 124-138
'The Tyger'
Introduction of the Poem
Substance of the Poem
Text, Word Meaning, Paraphrase and Hindi Explanations
Life and Works
William Blake: As a Poet
Symbolism of William Blake
William Blake: As a Mystic Poet
Critical Appreciation of the Poem
9. William Wordsworth ... 139-154
"The World is Too Much with Us'
Introduction of the Poem
Substance of the Poem
Text, Word Meaning, Paraphrase and Hindi Explanations
Life and Works
Attitude of Wordsworth towards Nature
Wordsworth's Poetic Diction
Merits of Wordsworth's Poetry
Critical Appreciation of the Poem
10. Robert Bridges ... 155-168
'The Nightingales'
Introduction of the Poem
Substance of the Poem
Text, Word Meaning, Paraphrase and Hindi Explanations
Life and Works
Chief Characteristics of the Poetry of Bridges
Qualities of the Poetry of Bridges
Robert Bridges : As a Poet
Critical Appreciation of the Poem
11. William Butler Yeats ... 169-184
'The Lake Isle of Innisfree'
Introduction of the Poem
Substance of the Poem
Text, Word Meaning, Paraphrase and Hindi Explanations
Life and Works
W.B. Yeats : As a Modern
Poet Symbolism of W.B. Yeats
Imagery of W.B. Yeats
"The Lake Isle of Innisfree': A Modern Lyric
Modernism of Yeats and Eliot
Critical Appreciation of the Poem