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Physics >> Circuit Fundamentals And Basic Electronics

Circuit Fundamentals And Basic Electronics

Dr. Vinod Goyal

Dr. B S Agrawal

Publisher : S J Publications MRT KNRN Published Year : 2019
Pages :356
Cover : Soft
Book Id : 2468
Isbn :0

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According to Unified Syllabus of all U.P. State Universities Physics B.Sc.-I, Paper-III



Unit - I

1. Transient Current ... 1-30

1.1 Steady And Transient Current

1.2 Growth and Decay of Currents Through Inductive Resistance

1.3 Charging and Discharging of a Capacitor Through a Resistor (R.C. Circuit)

1.4 Charging of a Capacitor Through Inductor and Resistor in Series (L.C.R. Circuit)

1.5 Discharge of Capacitor Through Inductor and Resistor in Series (LCR Circuit)

1.6 Measurement of High Resistance By the Method of Leakage

2. A.C. Bridges ........................................31

2.1 A.C. Bridges and conditions of Balance

2.2 Maxwell's Bridge

2.3 Schering's Bridge

2.4 Anderson's L-C Bridge

2.5 Wien's Bridge

2.6 Robinsr 's Bridge

3. Network Analysis ............. 46–74

3.1 Kirchhoff's Laws

3.2 Superposition Theorem

3.3 Reciprocity Theorem

3.4 Thevenin's Theorem

3.5 Norton's Theorem

3.6 Maximum Power Transfer Theorem

Unit - II

4. Conduction in Semiconductors...75-91

4.1 Semiconductors: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors.

4.2 Carrier Concentrations in Intrinsic Semiconductor

4.3 Variation of Conductivity with Temperature

4.4 n-type and p-type Semiconductors

4.5 Fermi Level in Semiconductors

5. Semiconductor Diodes : p-n Junction ...92-111

5.1 p-n Junction

5.2 p-n Junction Diode

5.3 Forward Bias and Reverse Bias Diodes

5.4 V-I Characteristics of p-n Junction

5.5 Energy Level Diagram for p-n Junction

5.6 Diode Current Equation

5.7 Zener Breakdown and Avalanche Breakdown

5.8. Zener Diode and its Charcteristics

5.9 Voltage Regulation

6. Rectifiers and Filters ...... 112-144

6.1 Diode as a Rectifier

6.2 Junction Diode as a Full-wave Rectifier

6.3 Bridge Rectifier

6.4 Filter Circuits

6.5 Full Wave Rectifier with Shunt Capacitance Filter

6.6 Full Wave Rectifier with Series Inductor Filter

7. D.C. Power Supplies : Voltage Regulation ..... 145-155

7.1 Power Supply

7.2 Voltage Regulation (Zener Regulator)

7.3 Transistor Series Voltage Regulator

7.4 Regulated Power Supply

8. Bipolar (Junction) Transistors.... 156-182

8.1 Bipolar Junction Transistor

8.2 Working of Transistors

8.3 Characteristics of Transistors

8.4 Current Gains Alpha and Beta (a and B)

8.5 Transistor Leakage Current

8.6 D.C. Load Line

Unit - III

9. Transistor Biasing Circuits ....... 183-205

9.1 Faithful Amplification

9.2 D.C. Load Line and Operating Point of a Transistor

9.3 Transistor Biasing and Stability Factor

9.4 Base-bias Circuits

9.5 Collector to Base Bias

9.6 Voltage Divider Bias with Emitter Bias

10. Small-Signal Amplifiers (Single-Stage Transistor Amplifier) ... 206-225

10.1 Transistor Amplifiers and Their Classification

10.2 DC and AC Equivalent Circuits

10.3 Transistor Biasing

10.4 Analysis of Common-Emitter Amplifier

10.5 Analysis of Common Base Amplifier

10.6 Analysis of Common-collector Amplifier

10.7 DC and AC Load Lines

11. Transistor as Amplifier....226-242

11.1 Transistor Configurations

11.2 Common-Base Amplifier

11.3 Common-Emitter Amplifier

12. R-C Coupled and Transformer-Coupled Amplifiers... 243-260

12.1 Classification of Amplifiers

12.2 R.C. Coupled Amplifier and its Frequency Response

12.3 Voltage Gain and Equivalent Circuit of RC Coupled Amplifier

12.4 Transformer Coupled Amplifier

13. Feed-back in Amplifiers ............. 261-275

13.1 Concept of Feedback

13.2 Basic Principles of Feedback

13.3 Advantages of Negative Feed-back

13.4 Voltage and Current Negative Feedback Transistor Circuits

Unit - IV

14. Impedances and Hybrid Parameters........ 276-291

14.1 Transistor as a Four Pole Device

14.2 Input and Output Impedances

14.3 Hybrid Parameters and Their Determination

14.4 h-parameters of a Transistor Numerical Problems

15. Transistor Oscillators....292-306

15.1 Essentials of an Oscillator

15.2 Tuned Collector Oscillator

15.3 Hartley Oscillator Numerical Problems

16. Transmitters and Receivers...307-315

16.1 Transmitters

16.2 Radio Transmission

16.3 Receiver and its Basic Functions

16.5 Characteristics of Radio-Receiver

17. Modulation and Demodulation ........ 316-335

17.1 Modulation : Types of Modulation

17.2 Amplitude Modulation

17.3 Frequency Modulation

17.4 Phase Modulation

17.5 Transistor as Amplitude Modulator

17.6 Demodulation

18. Electronic Instruments. ....336-348

18.1 Multimeters

18.2 Linear Multimeters

18.3 Applications of Multimeters

18.4 Cathode Ray Oscillograph

18.5 Applications of CRO

First Page

विनामूल्य पूर्वावलोकन


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