वनस्पति विज्ञान >> एडवान्सेज इन बॉटनी भाग-1 एडवान्सेज इन बॉटनी भाग-1डॉ. एस एन पाण्डेयडॉ. अजन्ता चढ्ढा
उत्तर प्रदेश के विभिन्न विश्वविद्यालयों के बी.एस-सी. तृतीय वर्ष के प्रथम प्रश्नपत्र हेतु स्वीकृत एकीकृत पाठ्यक्रम पर आधारित अंग्रेजी भाषा में
FIRST PAPER: Plant Resource Utilization, Palynology and Biostatistics
SECOND PAPER: Molecular biology and Biotechnology
THIRD PAPER: Environmental Botany and Plant Pathology
UNIT-1 : Plant Resource Utilization
1. Centres of Diversity and Origin of Crop Plants 3-6
2. Importance of Plants 7-12
3. Domestication and Uses of Wheat (Cereal) 13-16
4. Domestication and Uses of Rice (Cereal) 17-19
5. Domestication and Uses of Legumes (Pulses) 20-33
6. Domestication and Uses of Sugarcane 37-37
7. Domestication and Uses of Potato (Vegetable) 38-40
UNIT-2 : Plant and their Uses
1. Introduction 43-44
2. Oil-yielding Plants - Mustard, Groundnut 45-51
3. Spice-yielding Plants 52-55
4. Fibre-yielding Plants 56-62
5. Beverage-yielding Plants 63-68
6. Medicinal Plants 69-74
7. Bio-diesel piant-Jatropha curcas L. 75-78
8. Timber-yielding Plant 79-82
UNIT-3 : Conservation of Plants
1. Conservation of Plants 85-101
2. In-situ Conservation 102-113
3. Er-situ Conservation 114-121
UNIT-4 : Palynology and Biostatistics
1. Introduction 125-131
2. Pollen Morphology 132-139
3. Pollen Viability and Pollen Germination 140-143
4. Introduction to Biostatistics 144-145
5. Classification and Tabulation of Data 146-149
6. Mean. Mode, Median 150-155
7. Measures of Dispersion 156-161
8. Correlation 162-164
9. Test of Significance 165-166
10. Chi Square Test 167-170
11. Experimental Designs 171-172